Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
During my years of ministry, I worked seventeen years of it in France, and they were most challenging. Being born in France where I had my primary education, and where I lived for nineteen years of my life, I thought that I knew the French people inside out; how wrong I was! But after seventeen years of preaching the Gospel among them I have grown to know them better.
The first seven years of my period in that beautiful country was spent itinerating and thus I visited various churches, from north to south and east to west. It did not take long for me to realise that it must have been God’s will for me to work for Him in that fashion, because, as varied as are the provinces of this big country, s... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
“Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face the judgement, so CHRIST was sacrificed once to take away the sins of the people; and HE will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for HIM. (Hebrews 9:27-28)
On Christmas Day 1964 I received a present from my brother-in-law and his wife, a Book of ‘Daily Readings’ called ‘The Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith’ written by the renowned Charles H. Spurgeon, remembered as ‘The Prince of Preachers’. I have used it ever since, needless to say that it gave me plea... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
‘The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch’ (Acts 11:26)
Obviously, this verse relates to the first disciples of Jesus Christ. One of the greatest vacuums, amongst men of this generation, is the lack of knowledge as to what and who is a Christian? In general, fundamentally, there still exist great differences between the nitty gritty, call it the basic elements, of what all religions teach, and what they teach still divides humanity into different cultures that are hard, if not impossible to bridge.
The fight of communism, to eradicate all religions in the world, the opium of the people, as it called it, is still on the... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was taken up to heaven and He sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out preaching (the Gospel) everywhere.” (Mark 16:19-20)
In my previous copy of ‘The Link’ I asked a question: ‘what and who is a Christian’? I constantly ask questions of the Bible, and the Lord always answers them, well, most of them, a lot of them! Now, how to answer this awfully important question? The label, ‘Christian’ given to Christ’s disciples, still sticks on them everywhere, was first given in Antioch in Phoenicia. When, after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, on the day of... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
“I will build my Church, and the gates of hades will not overcome her.” (Matthew 16:18)
As I read again the two previous ‘Links’ I have come to the conclusion that I have embarked on a most important subject, which I hope, will eventually change the whole idea of what one has of a Christian. I have briefly explained on what the world thinks as to what and who is a Christian, some think that a Christian is just another religious deluded being. Yet, of late, we are all waking up to the reality of how powerful are religious convictions; I am one of those that believe that the next world conflict will not be of an atomic character but a r... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
‘To all who received Him, to all that believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision nor a husband’s will, but born of God.’(John 1: 13)
The biblical pattern that began to bring true believers to the Lord, the preaching of the Gospel and teachings of the apostles of the Lord, as taught by them, brought into being Protestantism, but since those days, Satan has found a carnal ground into which he has sown formalism, so that today, Protestants and Catholics live together as if nothing happened and the truth, once more is left to a faithful remnant, mainly Evangelicals. To that carnal church, calls true believers by all sorts of names, f... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
We must start with one of the greatest chapters in the Bible. I begin with a deep reverence, because I shall be mentioning words that are really intimate between Jesus Christ and God His Father, but since Jesus prayed openly in the presence of His disciples, and since the content of it is so full of sound doctrine, which every Christian should know, I venture with great anticipation. The chapter that we plan to use as a foundation to the subject, will lead us into other portions of the Bible, for it is found everywhere, even in Revelation! This chapter is the seventeenth of the Gospel of John.
Prior to the prayer Jesus offered to His Father, He spent hours with His disciples preparing the last Pa... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
So, the question I ask myself is this? How long did Jesus desire so eagerly to eat ‘this Passover’ with them and why this one? He had eaten many Passovers; He ate at least two with his disciples prior to this one; but this one was to be the last one, thence He waited with anticipation. It must have been important for the apostle John, who, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote five chapters to record the whole experience of that very eventful night; these were the last hours that Jesus lived with them in His mortal body. John must have cherished these moments all his life, for when he wrote the account of those final hours, he was an old man of at least 85, imprisoned on the isle of Patmos, yet, as one reads it, it gi... read more
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Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Previously I mentioned that ‘fulfilments of times, as set by God in His eternal plan, are of utmost importance. We find that times, hours, events planned by God had a great importance in the life of Christ. It was in eternity, before the world of time was ever created, long before Jesus ever came to earth, that the plan of salvation was decided upon by God alone, and the role that each member of the Holy Trinity would have, in the fulfilment of that plan; His aim was the restoration of God’s creation and free it from the awfulness of sin and the chaos that was upon it, due to the fall of Lucifer, now known, as Satan. Let me remind you that the subject before us is: 1. ‘Who is a Christian’. 2. What is... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
After that Jesus went from Nazareth to the Jordan river to be baptised by John the Baptist, He was led by the Holy-Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, after forty days, He returned victorious to Nazareth. On his way, full of the Holy Spirit, He began to preach the Gospel in the synagogues of Galilee. In His home town, Jesus was known as the son of Joseph, the carpenter! On his return, as He attended the synagogue, an important prophecy would be fulfilled. As was His custom, he entered it but with a very different purpose, for as he stood up to read, the attendant handed to Him the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Any other scroll could have been handed to Him but on that day, it had to be that of Isaiah and unrolling it, Jesus found the place whe... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
In my previous Link I have quoted few verses from Isaiah from which I want to take out a phrase: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach good news.” The Good News is the Gospel. Man has not yet understood what power there is in God’s words, even Christians are not fully aware at what they handle when they speak out God’s words. Everything we see in nature, in the sky, and beyond with mighty telescopes, none mightier, so far, as the Hubble put in orbit in 1990 by the U.S.A., everything that comes to light as its photographic eyes pierce through the universe, everything it reveals is the result of the word of the Lord, Jesus the ‘Word’ was there... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
I am continuing to answer the question: Who is Jesus? He is accepted generally that He is Jesus the son of one called Joseph, an unknown carpenter of Nazareth and Mary his wife! To most people of this generation, He is the leader of all Christians, a prophet in line with other religious founders. Nevertheless, to all true Christians He is ‘The Lord Jesus-Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Joseph was engaged to Mary, before their marriage he discovered that she was pregnant, thinking obviously that she had been unfaithful to him, he wanted to break up with her, but secretly, because he loved her and did not want to shame her! But one night, in a dream; an angel of the Lord appeared to him and said: “Joseph son of David,... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
To find a true, consistent and continuous revelation of God and gather a personal knowledge of Him, one must have a Bible; God has chosen to reveal Himself in and through the written word. It has proved to be the most satisfying source of God’s revelation to man. His dealings with men, His actions and His purposes, become clearer to the one who, without prejudice, sets himself on the path of discovery. The God we find in the Bible, is a very personal God. When He created angels, He created as many as He needed, ‘en-masse’ as it is said in French, but when it came to humanity, God created just one man, Adam, who saw God daily, he heard God, he and his wife Eve communed with Him in a very special way, until he fell into sin, and was cast out fro... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
I ended my previous ‘Link’ saying that the principal reason why Jesus Christ came to earth was to save men. So, I ask: Why did men need saving? And then another: What did men need saving from? Before I answer these questions, we need to return to the verse in John’s gospel, in which Jesus was praying to His Father and said: ‘And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had before the world began.’ (John 17:5) This statement is of immense importance not only to Christians, especially in these days of great confusion, but it is also important to the whole world, unless men realise and believe in all that the Bible says about Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, they shall end up in hell, whatever you may be led... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
In ‘Link’ number 7 I mentioned that when Jesus begun the ‘Passover Feast’ with his disciples, it was going to be the last one he would have with them before returning to heaven, He said: “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds its fulfilment in the kingdom of God.” We gather from what He said that God’s clock is always ticking; the time span for which Jesus came into the world ended with His ascension into glory, but the whole plan of God is still being fulfilled to this very day. The world has its plans, every nation works out its own politics, unaware that God’s calendar is not bound, in any wa... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Jesus, by his preaching and His miracles, disturbed the whole nation of Israel, especially its religious leaders. Some of His teaching was very forceful, for it involved the scrapping of the old order, which would bring the nation of Israel in par with gentile nations, the thought of it enraged them, they hated Him vehemently for it! The whole clergy hated Jesus, because part of what He said was directed at them and at their folly in resisting the inevitable! When God has determined to do something, who can stand up to Him or stop Him? Thus, these men spread derogatory things about Jesus, some were not so bad, others were very bad lies; in short; the Jewish clergy wanted Him dead. King Herod, also, wanted Him dead, I think that these priests knowing it, tried to... read more
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Since Jesus came and through all the history of Christianity, there never were as many controversies about a personage, as there are about Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. The Christians have, throughout time, known grievous, heinous tribulations; millions have been martyred in the Arenas of Rome, and through all the roman empire, add to that, the thousands, if not millions, that gave their lives in Europe during the Reformation, organised by the Roman Catholic Church; for what reason? Their only crime was their new found faith in the Son of God. Things have changed somewhat, yet in some countries it is still dangerous to own up that one is a Cristian, for Satan hates Jesus Christ and those that are His!
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Posted on 27/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
The content of the verses quoted at the end of the previous Link, is so huge, that it would be impossible for a human mind to conceive, the power of the divine revelation it embraces, is far too big for any man to pen such words, that not even a mind like that of the apostle Paul could imagine! John also penned some astonishing words! What that man wrote in His Gospel, in his three epistles and, to cap it all, in the Book of Revelation, is divine; its depth is humanly inconceivable, for it starts with Christ in eternity and ends with Him and His Church in heaven; the Father’s eternal home! The verse I have quoted in the previous Link contains astonishing statements. In the quotation John wrote from the Prayer Jesus prayed to God, His Father, Jesus declares clear... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
At one point, in His public ministry, to three of them Jesus revealed His glory, it was on of mount Tabor; as I mentioned previously in my other writings, it is always beneficial to repeat it; they were James, John his brother and Peter. I repeat also that ‘Jesus asked His disciples; when they were in Caesarea Philippi: ‘Who do people say the Son of Man is?’. They replied: Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ But what about you? He asked. Who do you say I am? Simon Peter answered: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man but by my Father in heaven.(Matthew 16.16-17) We find t... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
To continue from the previous ‘Link’ What I can say is that the Word of God proves that as long as men are not changed from within by the power of the Holy Spirit, who alone can convert a sinner into a saint, and help him to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, a change for the better is not possible! Man, by nature, is a sinner, as such, according to the Bible, he is an enemy of God, for he will not allow him in, to meddle in his affairs. Man is a sinner from birth for he is a son of Adam, who was the first to rebel against God and thus became a servant of darkness. God rejected Him, cut him off, and since God is the source of Life, that is what death means. The glory of God which was his apparel suddenly left Adam, the effect upon him was terribl... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
To follow from the previous ‘Link’ from that awful drama, Sin, which is an awful inner power, has taken complete control of mankind and has totally corrupted it, so much so that God regretted to have created man and the whole world perished in a flood, but one man, Noah, found grace in the eyes of the Lord, him God saved, with his family, only eight were saved. It appears that the conscience did not speak anymore, men became ‘blasé’ as it is said. The apostle Paul writing to a young pastor, Timothy, mentioning such men says: ‘Whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.’ (1 Timothy 4:2) Therefore, what happens to men in sin, is that the conscience is not as keen, or sharp as it should be, or else non-existent. They have cr... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
We often read the Bible and do not give ourselves the time to find out what it really says. I just want to mention that when the flood took all living souls away, all the descendants of Cain were among those that God destroyed; but in Noah was preserved the lineage of Jesus Christ the promised deliverer! I cannot go into details concerning that situation but it is written: ‘The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So, the Lord said: I will wipe mankind, whom I have created from the face of the earth – men and animals, and creatures that move along the... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Since the fall of Adam, followed by Enoch’s rapture, centuries passed without a word from God, this complete silence is broken as God came down to scrutinize the actual moral and spiritual state of man, as stated, (Genesis 6) and He actually talked with Noah and revealed to him what he was about to do. To escape from the flood with his family, he told Him to build an ark and gave that generation, one hundred twenty years to repent from their sins and forsake their evil ways. During those years, Noah built the ark as directed and taught by the Lord, for He gave him the blueprint and the know-how to build this massive boat, with the help of his sons! it had neither engine nor rudder, it was built to float and it went wherever God wanted it, and it rested finally w... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
One cannot miss, when reading such words and the tone of them, that God is God of all the earth and sovereign Lord over it. Only those that really know Him can read it with reverence and say ‘Halleluiah’! Every time the rainbow appears, it is a witness that God still keeps this covenant made with Noah, that long ago! After this covenant he made other Covenants. He made one with Abraham, another He made with Israel, when they came out of Egypt, He also made one with David, finally He made the New Covenant, which in Christ is Eternal! From the days of Noah, God has not spoken to the gentile peoples, although all have sprung from the three sons of Noah. This changed when Jesus commanded His disciples, to go and preach the gospel, to all nations of the world! Up to... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
In conclusion I ask: What can we learn from various points of history about our world? We learn that chaos and all sorts of evil things that have happened to it, are due to the work of Satan, who through the power of sin has brought great misery upon humanity, which God, reluctantly, had to judge with the flood, just as He had to burn Sodom and Gomorrah, which became polluted to the core, having done what He had to, He flooded the area with water, which is called the ‘Dead Sea’. As for the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah they still ruin our generation and poison naturel relationship between men and women, called Sodomy! This sin, in the eyes of Almighty God, is an abomination! This evil spirit is present in human hearts and minds, right up to the present da... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
It is evident, with all that I have written in the previous ‘Links’, that God had decided to intervene and reclaim this planet from the chaos it was in, through the fall of Satan and that, to do it, He had decided on a plan of redemption which as we see is still in motion, fulfilling ceaselessly His will, in and through His Son Jesus Christ. It is written: ‘He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him were all things created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of His body, the Church; He is the b... read more
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Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Thus, God in His great wisdom, has decided to renew this globe and to introduce a wonderful project, which when completed, will wipe totally the memory of Satan and his armies of demons, including men that have wilfully served him! God will wipe out every square foot of His creation that the devil has polluted, through his revolt against Him. The apostle Peter prophesied concerning it about two thousand years ago, saying to the Christians he pastored: ‘Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by holy prophets (read Isiah 65:17 – 66:22) and the commands given by our Lord and Saviour through your apostles. ... read more
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Posted on 25/05/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
In the Old Testament God, through His dealings with special individuals and His prophets, pointed to the coming of Jesus-Christ, whom He first promised to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. His coming was detailed and emphasised by Malachie, the last prophet of the Old Testament, four centuries before His coming; he wrote: ‘For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healings in his wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.’ (Malachi 4: 2) A very fitting end to the Old Testament, then in the New Testament, God bears witness to it by revealing how Jesus came and why He came. We shall look into it, to bring to light the reason of His sacrificial death, and how through His glorious resurrection,... read more
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Posted on 25/05/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
The verses that I quoted in the previous ‘Link’, was a direct reference to what God said to Moses when he spoke to Him from the burning bush and revealed Himself under His Name, as it is written: ‘God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM’. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you’. (Exodus 3: 14) ‘Jehovah’ whom we call LORD! No wonder the people tried to stone Him, because, in their estimation, he blasphemed! Obviously, we live in the world in which most people do not believe that the Bible is the only book in which God reveals Himself to men, as Father, Son and Holy-Spirit. Ever since Jesus came as a man, there was a confusion as to who He was, nowadays, this confusion is even greater, we find that... read more
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Posted on 22/06/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
I have written in the previous ‘Links’, all that I thought was necessary to establish the reasons why humanity is as it is. History proves that all generations have failed in their relationship with God, and that the heart of man is devious and corrupt; all the suffering that men have endured is due to sin, by which men are slaves to the devil, who by devious means, holds humanity in his power, from which it is impossible for men to get free! He trapped Adam and Eve, and all men, except those that are saved by faith in the Lord Jesus, share with them a painful treatment from this fallen archangel! Thus, to conclude this part of history we find most that generally humanity is lost, corrupt, rebellious, without hope and far from God, it is condemned alre... read more
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Posted on 22/06/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Having mentioned an important part of the first chapter of Romans, I draw your attention to the second chapter of this epistle, in which it becomes obvious that what I mentioned previously, from the first chapter, concerns Jews and Gentiles, but in the second chapter Paul is especially addressing himself especially to the state of the Jews who, proud as a peacock, always think that they are above the rest of humanity, as they still do! I will therefore mention what he writes about them, stating clearly that, in the eyes of Almighty God, they are as bad as every gentile nations which they despise.
The Holy Spirit clearly states that they are wrong to think what they do, for they have fallen... read more
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Posted on 28/07/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
After all I quoted in the preceding ‘Links’ proves that the apostle Paul was so sure of what he believed that He could call on the Christians, so that he wrote to them, that they must believe all that he wrote to them! If he could be so forceful in what he wrote to the Corinthians, it is as essential and ‘a must’ for us even if what He wrote is nearly two thousand years ago. Christians of the twenty-first century! we can only be right: if we hold firmly to the word, that Paul preached to the churches. Otherwise, we have believed in vain.’ I would not be able to continue with this important subject, if I did not believe implicitly the Gospel that this great man of God received by direct revelation from our Master, Jesus Christ; it is the only Gospel He preached Himself, without wavering!... read more
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Posted on 28/07/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Thus, following what I mentioned about Paul in the previous ‘Link’, we must note that Jesus chose not to tell Paul directly what He planned for him! It added more power to his call, to hear it from the mouth of Ananias, who was forever a witness of Paul’s special calling. Wherever He went, whether it be in Asia-minor or Europe, he was in constant danger of losing his life. Jews who hated him, stirred up troubles and persecution wherever he went! On many occasions he escaped by the intervention of the Lord or by the help of believers. Having escaped from the Jews in Jerusalem, soon after his conversion Paul went back to Tarsus, the place of his birth, where he spent ten years! He must have been given that time to go through every detail of the Gospel which Jesus Christ revealed to him an... read more
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Posted on 17/08/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
For those that have a Bible, please, read the fifteenth chapter of the first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians and meditate on it, it is of utmost importance, meditation is needed at the present time! Spiritual discipline, in this fast, crazy world is of utmost importance. Christians must not starve the soul, for people in the world do not even have time to eat properly, the luck of a proper mid-day break is costing many lives, so a spiritual diet, for Christians is not good! Meditate, for without meditating whilstreading the Word of God, and hearing it preached in the power of the Holy Spirit, is costing Christians their proper bala... read more
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Posted on 17/08/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Prophecies apply to the whole world; they reveal that Jesus will come to the world twice. Firstly, He came secretly as a baby, weak and mild as it is said! He needed human parents to look after Him, as every other baby. To escape from the wrath of King Herod, an angel told Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt. God could have easily protected Him miraculously, but he chose to hide Him in Egypt in a natural, human way! Jesus also came to fulfil the law, meaning the Ten commandments and precepts God gave Israel through Moses, and then, as a spotless lamb of God He died for the sin of the world! For it is written: ‘In fact, the law requires that everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.’ (Hebrews 9: 22) It is al... read more
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Posted on 05/11/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Jesus never wrote one solitary line of all that He preached openly, or taught in private. Yet, what the disciples heard, was deeply impressed on their heart. Years after Jesus ascended to heaven, the church grew and spread greatly, due to its increase the disciples found that it was necessary, if not urgent, to put into writing the life of Jesus Christ and His teachings. Thus, led by the Holy Spirit, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the Gospels, at different times, over a period of ten years. Later Paul, Peter, John, James and Jude wrote the epistles; Luke also wrote the Acts of the apostles, last of all the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation and his tree epistles and from the isle of Patmos, where he was imprisoned, sent them to the Christians that he... read more
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Posted on 05/11/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, we discover that Luke lived many years with the apostle Paul, and how he travelled and assisted him! In it, we also learn how through the apostle Paul, the Gospel came to Europe and How, miraculously, through signs and wonders, it spread everywhere he went. It is after Paul’s death, that Luke wrote his Gospel and the book of Acts of the Apostles. His serious research of the facts is enriching, and contains things that are not found in the other three Gospels, yet in the main, most of it tallies with what wrote Matthew, Mark and John. Luke writes to a friend whom he calls: ‘most excellent Theophilus.’ He must have been an important and influential man, for both His Gospel and the book of Acts, have been written personally... read more
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Posted on 05/11/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
The apostle Paul, is known as the apostle to the Gentiles, so, to gentile churches he wrote his epistles, not forgetting that some converted Jews were among them, so he wrote to them to counteract false teachers, who were mainly Jews that remained attached to the practice of the law, the Ten Commandments, as are many Christian confessions today. These men never stopped their evil work, for they followed the apostle Paul wherever he established churches, their biggest point was that Christians had to be circumcised, the aim of such men, even today is to confuse the true Gospel by any means or ignore it, the apostle Paul called what they taught ‘another gospel’. In the light of the worldwide confusion that is apparent in the fallen church today, we must realise ho... read more
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Posted on 05/11/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Returning to the epistle Paul wrote to the Romans, we find certain important points in the tenth chapter, that will help the development of our subject, I want to turn to them to bring out the emphasis the Holy Spirit puts, on what we can call the mechanics and purpose of preaching. Men today have been brain washed by state Churches, puppets of various governments, so much so that the spiritual state of most people is limited to a moralistic piety, totally subjected to their own understanding of a god, and know not the real and only God, of whom Jesus Christ is the Son, and the only way to Him. This has led to the sad reality that there are now many gods, each one limited to what an individual believes is his god.
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Posted on 02/12/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Among many things I have stated as to: ‘Who Jesus is’! I also mentioned what God, His Father, says as to ‘Who Jesus is’. For He stated it openly after Jesus was baptised in the Jordan river by John the Baptist, as it is written: ‘as: ‘He went up out of the water. At that moment heaven opened, and he (John) saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on Him (Jesus). And a voice from heaven said: This is my son, whom I love; with Him I am well please.’ (Matthew 3: 16-17) John the Baptist adds to it the following and said what is most emphatic: ‘The next day, John saw Jesus coming towards him and said (to the people and his disciples) Look the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one I meant when I said: a man who comes after... read more
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Posted on 02/12/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Thus, it is of great importance and absolutely essential to confess that Jesus Christ is God! Without this deep confession born out from the revelation given by the Holy Spirit no one can be saved, but we shall return to it later. Enough to say that God, the Holy Spirit, personally reveals to men who Jesus is! Salvation is God’s work from the beginning to the very end, or to be absolutely right, from eternity to eternity! All the events that I have quoted, prove from the lips of his disciples, from God’s His Father and from the very lips of Jesus Christ Himself, that he is Jehovah, (Yahve), God incarnate, who was sent by God down to earth to die for the sins of the whole world, and having done so He lives forever to save all those that His Father gave to Him bef... read more
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My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.