The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Link International (Number 5) - From me to you!

Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

“I will build my Church, and the gates of hades will not overcome her.” (Matthew 16:18)  

As I read again the two previous ‘Links’ I have come to the conclusion that I have embarked on a most important subject, which I hope, will eventually change the whole idea of what one has of a Christian. I have briefly explained on what the world thinks as to what and who is a Christian, some think that a Christian is just another religious deluded being. Yet, of late, we are all waking up to the reality of how powerful are religious convictions; I am one of those that believe that the next world conflict will not be of an atomic character but a religious one, which will set the world on fire, for the antichrist after enforcing a world-wide religion; will turn his hatred on Israel and it will be Jesus that will defeat Him, as He alone is appointed, by God His Father, to save the world and reign over it for a thousand years, after that He will create a new heaven and anew earth! I cannot now enlarge on it, as I have already deviated too much from the subject at hand. But I must conclude this paragraph and declare that the tiles of the end are at hand! 

We know what people think of the Christians, but the questions still remain: ‘Who is a Christian and what is a Christian?’ Having ministered the gospel and pastored few churches both in the UK and abroad, I have been surprised as to what nominal Christians think of themselves, according to some, mostly the self-righteous ones, there are not many real and good Christians left! To most critics, and the churches are full of them, only a few, apparently, have reached an acceptable level of excellency and are worthy bear the name! There is more bigotry among Christians than in the world outside Christendom. Since the days that the Emperor Constantine, supposedly, converted to Christianity and with him the rest of his empire, the Church has become, in the minds of many, just another political institution, which in many ways is, ready to serve the various states in which it functions and brainwash the people to be good citizens and submit to higher powers! But Jesus Christ, since His ascension, has been building HIS Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, and as in His days it is mainly from the common people that he finds true and faithful followers! 

There is the Church of Rome, which at one time ruled with an iron fist most the European countries, which it inherited when the Roman Empire fell. Its power and importance became such that it lost its true character and lost its mission. As Rome was too remote from the Eastern part of the so-called Church, it split, and the seat of the 'New Church', in the east, was in Byzantium, called later Constantinople. The Byzantine Church was the mother of all the Orthodox Churches, starting in Greece right up to Russia. As Christianity spread from Rome into the rest of Western Europe it planted its roots very deeply in the life of the people. Eventually, vast Cathedrals were built and remain to this day as a testimony to a very carnal institution. 

The Reform, which many today believe, was a great mistake, was willed of God and it gave birth to Protestantism. Martin Luther, with the help of others, only wanted to bring the Church of Rome back to the Gospel so that it would rid itself from all the dogmas and the authority of the Pope, but the main body did not like it, therefore a great persecution arose throughout Europe during which thousands of protestants were martyred, simply for wanting to be free to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour; the church of Rome has bloody hands to this day, God will never forget the crimes of evil passion, all will be revealed in the day of judgement! 

Posted in General

About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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