The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

The Series

Chapter 1: Introduction

Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Welcome to our website, and it is open to deal with the most important issue we have: LIFE! Life is God’s greatest gift to man and how he lives it is most important, it is written: ‘God alone gives all men life and breath and everything else.’ (Acts 17:25) In the United Kingdom, from where I work on this most vital subject, a way of life has been shaped by a long history, it still shows how influenced it has been by the Christian Faith, especially Protestantism; although its impact is fast disappearing from its culture, one can still feel the benefits of a strong faith in God, which gives to every citizen the respect that is due, to the man at the top or at the bottom of the social ladder. Not everything is perfect, but like in many coun... read more

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Chapter 2: Which are the great facts of life?

Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Life is the span of time allocated by God to everybody at birth and ends at death! Life is a fashion, a way of living that differs amongst the people of the earth; it is largely influenced by the circumstances and the society one is born in. The Roman Catholics say: “Give us a child till it’s five and we’ll have it all his life!” They are often wrong but not always. I believe it to be true. One’s first years of life make up the person one will be, the character of a person is greatly impressed by the customs and the culture of the people amongst which it develops. The way of life is woven into the child by the home in which it is born, and the things he learns will be with him for the rest of its life; and as it grows, the social fabric of its nation w... read more

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Chapter 3: What is the Bible?

Posted on 05/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Firstly, the Bible is the book of God which He gave to the world through men chosen by Him for that purpose. It is divided into two parts, The Old Testament, or covenant and the New Testament, or covenant. The Bible was written by approximately forty writers over a period of approximately fifteen hundred years. The New Testament, was written over a period of fifty years by nine authors and was completed with the Gospel, the Epistles and the final book, ‘Revelation’ written by the apostle John between eighty-five and ninety AD. The Bible is a record of who God is and all that He has created and done by the power of His word. The Bible reveals the plan of God for the world which includes the salvation of man, this salvation Jesus-Christ made possible with the... read more

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Chapter 4: Why the Bible?

Posted on 05/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

You have decided to continue with the current subject; congratulation! What must stay strong in your mind, as you continue with our studies, is the fact that ‘Eternal Life’ is a free gift that God alone can give and that He gives it by grace, without merit, to those that turn to Christ and accept Him as their Saviour. One cannot do anything to merit it, and it never will be a final reward for anything good that one may have done in one’s lifetime. God says: “All of us have become like one who is unclean. And all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” (Isaiah 64:6.) What God says in the Bible is direct; things are what they are; yet as you will discover as you continue... read more

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Chapter 5: The First Man!

Posted on 05/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Following the statements made thus far show to us the problems that mankind has to struggle with. In the eyes of God, humanity is divided into two groups, there are those that believe in Jesus-Christ as their Saviour and have confessed Him to be the Son of God, and there are those that do not believe in Him and have not submitted to the claims God’s God makes about Him. The Bible stipulates that: “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the world of faith we are proclaiming: ‘That if you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ (meaning Yahveh – Jehovah) and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe (that Jesus is God) and are justif... read more

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Chapter 6: The Fall of Man

Posted on 05/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

“Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman: ‘Did God really say you must not eat from any trees in the garden? The woman said to the serpent: We may eat fruit from the trees of the garden, but God did say, ‘you must not eat fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die… You will not surely die, the serpent said to the woman: For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, ... read more

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Chapter 7: What is sin?

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

There are two words in the Bible which appear frequently in the Bible, they are SIN and TRESPASS. The Oxford dictionary says that: SIN is a transgression against divine law or principles of morality; it says in capital letters that it is DEADLY, MORTAL and Original. The Original sin is the first sin that Adam committed when he disobeyed The Commandment God gave Him. As for TRESPASS, it is a transgression, breach of law or duty, wrong committed against person or property, especially a wrongful entry upon another’s land or property. We could simplify it by saying that Sin is the transgression of divine law, the Ten Commandments, whereas Trespass is a transgression of civil law. Nevertheless, in the Bible both are malign acts directed against God or persons, both n... read more

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Chapter 8: How has God dealt with sin?

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Since the beginning of my remarks, I have asked a few questions and they were mainly centred on man. His beginning, created into the image of God, and the reason why from the perfect being he was he became what he is. I have mentioned the one-sided way he looks at his life and what dominates him to live like he does and do the things he does. I mentioned the power that controls him and drives him to resist God and be his enemy by wicked acts and much cruelty; how sin drives him to his grave and will consume him in an eternal hell. We must now turn our attention to God the creator of man and the world in which he lives, blind to the fact that the life he lives is given by God, who sees and weighs all his acts and scrutinises every detail of th... read more

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Chapter 9: What is the true purpose of the Ten Commandments?

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

This chapter is closely linked to the previous one   , because in it we introduce the function of the Law which is the ‘Ten Commandments’ without which sin could not be defined. For instance, man could not understand that the first commandments which says, ‘You shall have no other gods before me’ or the second which forbids idolatry saying, ‘You shall not make for yourself an idol in form of anything in heaven above, or on earth below, are sinful acts just as much as are the ones that say ‘You will not murder,’ and ‘You will not commit adultery.’ In fact, in the eyes of God, to disregard the first four commandments, are worse than the following six, for if man gives to God the honour and worship due to Him, and loves Him, the others will... read more

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Chapter 10a: The Ten Commandments vis-a-vis of God

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

The Ten Commandments are divided into two parts; the first part comprises the first four commandments which teach OBEDIENCE, man’s duty to God, secondly are the six remaining commandments that deal with RESPECT, man’s duty to man. Nevertheless, disobedience to any of the ten is a sin. 

The Ten Commandments were given, to reveal the treacherous character of sin and the different acts by which man offends God in yielding wilfully to sin’s rebellious nature. All disobedience to God is a sin. “Through the disobedience of one man sin entered the world and death through sin.” (Romans 5:12.) We have seen in our previous chapter that God hates sin, every sin is an attack at... read more

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Chapter 10b: The Ten Commandments vis-a-vis of God

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

We come now to the second part of the commandments, six of them, that covers man’s relationship with man. Since man owes obedience to God, to man he owes respect. Do unto others as you would be done by! Every man I have met believes that he has never done anything wrong to anybody, yet somebody must be doing wrong since there is such a misery in the whole world. Of course, let’s admit that we all have fallen short and caused pain and suffering to someone, sometime, somewhere sometimes too much and to often! In these days, when divisions amongst nations are tensed, with all the atrocities permeated around the world, in the name of religion. Prejudices of all sorts, the violence and the hatred that have reached a dangerous level, it is refreshing to discover what... read more

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Chapter 11: What did God do to forgive sins?

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Until now I have had to explain why man cannot stop from committing sins through his wilful disobedience to God. Having established the function and importance of man’s duty to God as expressed by the Ten Commandments, we have concluded that man’s inability to obey God and respect his neighbour as he should, leaves him without hope and damned for eternity. It is a very awesome statement; no man can ever take it lightly! A serious student of Holy Scripture must be opened to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and study it without prejudice, to let him discover the real truth, which is so clearly taught by the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles. He must do what the Lord expects of Him and not do what is expected of him by men, especially if he is called of God to pre... read more

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Chapter 12: What is the gospel and what does teach?

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

The ‘Gospel’ is the proclamation of ‘Good Tidings’ it is the equivalent of the Greek word ‘Evangelion’ in English ‘Evangel’. ‘Evangelion’ originally denoted a reward given to anyone bringing good tidings, later, the idea of reward dropped out, and the word stood for just ‘good news.’ In the New Testament it denotes the good tidings of the kingdom of God and of salvation through Christ, to be received by faith, on the basis of His expiatory death, His burial, resurrection and ascension. The word Gospel has taken pre-eminence over ‘Evangel’ and means ‘Glad tidings’ of the kingdom of God preached by Christ, it is also said to be the doctrine of Christ and His apostles, finally: The Gospel is the story of the life and person of the Lord Jesus-Christ.

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Chapter 13: Which are the two main covenants?

Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Right through the Holy Scriptures (The Bible) God made covenants with various people, these covenants were established by God for all men and their descendants, their purpose was to help man to fellowship with Him and walk before Him by obeying the terms of His covenants. These terms were decided by Him alone, I mean that they were not put to the vote. The terms of each Covenant were to be obeyed; obedience to them guarantied the promised blessings. These promises of blessings in some of the covenants were temporary blessings, but some covenants are still bestowing everlasting blessings which will never end. God made a covenant with Noah when he and his family came out from the ark. The utter corruption of his generation made the flood unavoidable, but He found... read more

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Chapter 14: The New Covenant - the Eternal Covenant

Posted on 15/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Right from the first chapter, my sole purpose was to bring to people’s knowledge that God has made in Christ a Covenant of Grace, an eternal covenant by which a way is opened for men to come to God and receive, by faith in Jesus Christ the greatest gift; this great gift is Eternal Life! I have heard of men prepared to spend a lot of money to live few more days or months, frightened to face eternity. There is, after all, nothing more precious than life. What’s more wonderful, is that God gives it by grace, without any merit whatsoever from the object of His love. I have already mentioned several times the following verse: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him, (Jew or Gentile) shall no... read more

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Chapter 15: The Greatest Gift

Posted on 15/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Every body likes to receive a gift! It is an expression of friendship or even love. I have met people that have kept preciously something without any value whatsoever to anyone else, but they cherished the gift, because they knew the giver and the occasion on which it was given, and these factors made the gift most precious. The title of this chapter is very special, because it draws our attention to a great Giver; someone we don’t know much about and from whom we do not ever expect a gift, that Great person is GOD our creator! I realise that on the worldwide net this article can be read by people that do not know or do not believe in the God of the Bible; they may have never heard that there is such a thing as a Bible, they have never handled one... read more

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Chapter 16: The Final Destination

Posted on 15/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

Right from Genesis and the whole of the Bible, beginning with Abel, followed from with the specific call of Abraham, in chapter twelve, God reveals that the final destination of a believer is heaven. ‘The Lord said to Abram, (when he was still in Ur of the Chaldees) Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you… ‘And they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there”.  (Genesis 12: 1-5) In those days, as far as we know, there were not any drawn maps, yet Abraham reached Canaan safely because he followed God’s instructions who told him go: “to the land I will show you.” To have God as a guide is to have a very august companion, ~ with such a friend and gui... read more

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Chapter 17: Heaven is the home prepared for men of faith

Posted on 15/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

The Bible starts with astonishing words, Words of great power, a statement that displays before us the creative might of God. This power and authority run throughout the Old Testament right into the New, giving God the right place, that of Creator, Monarch and Lord Everlasting, a very powerful Being, called The Almighty, one that we cannot afford to ignore, for to Him are submitted all powers, in heaven and on earth; belongs truly to the Lord God Almighty. The Holy-Scriptures start by declaring: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1.) God is the origin of everything except evil. He is the source of all life and everything lives in Him and by Him.  The Apostle Paul when he visited Athens, in one of hi... read more

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Chapter 18: Jesus Christ's true mission

Posted on 15/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

We now come to the point in our study when we must consider all the treasures of the new life, the eternal life that God has made accessible by faith in His Son Jesus-Christ.  As I have mentioned many times, before man was ever created, God drew up a plan, the outworking of this plan would bring an end to sin, death, and the devil, and by faith deliver men from sin! It is important for everyone to realise how God hates sin, sin is completely foreign to His holy nature. Sin has started its putrefying work in Adam. With passing generations, it got worse and worse and forced God to intervene and destroy individuals, whole families, towns, like Sodom and Gomorrah, and eventually the whole of mankind by the flood! 

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Chapter 19: No greater love has no man than this...

Posted on 15/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

The next step in the life of Christ is the one of the most important events, in the history of the world. By His death the whole character of humanity has change, especially that of the nation of Israel, who rejected their messiah, Jesus and killed Him by nailing Him, God’s Beloved Son, to a horrible CROSS. No longer will there be the normal division of nations, nor will the nation of Israel be separated from the gentile nations as a special entity, it will not boast of being a superior race anymore. God had called them from the world for a special mission, set them up and blessed them, chosen them to bless them and show to the pagan nations just how happy is the people of which Jehovah is God! But they failed Him again and again; to humble them He sent nations... read more

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Chapter 20: One man and three years that changed history

Posted on 18/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

The previous chapter ended with the introduction of Jesus-Christ to his public ministry. For many years, apart from a lad of twelve, whose story we followed through from Jerusalem back to Nazareth, to a man of thirty years of age there is a complete silence. We read nothing in the New Testament that relates to this carpenter of Nazareth who waited patiently for God’s time to begin to preach the Gospel that would save millions of Jews and Gentiles right up to this century, and beyond, and is still doing it every day and won’t end until the last. Jesus-Christ was introduced to the people by John the Baptist at His Baptism in the River Jordan, John said of Christ: “Look, (or behold) the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the worlds…Then Joh... read more

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Chapter 21: Christ Exalted

Posted on 18/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

From the beginning of these studies my aim was to show, step by step, how important is the Life which God grants so freely, by pure GRACE, without merit, to those who believe in Christ and accept Him as their Saviour. I have worked faithfully to remain true to the Gospel, to make plain all that Jesus came to do to make this great gift  possible! 

The previous chapter ended with, what humanly speaking, was a fulfilment of the plan of God, decided on by a special council of the Holy Trinity before the creation of the world as we know it. To the human eye and intellect, the Cross and the death of Christ was seemingly a sorry end to all that Jesus said and confessed to be, yet, in... read more

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Chapter 22 Step by step into Glory

Posted on 18/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

A Hymn expresses it well, which with many others, called ‘Old Hymns’ sating:

                                    We’re marching to Zion,

                                    Beautiful, beautiful Zion;

                                 ... read more

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About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

Click here to read more about me


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