This website was created because I have been given the privilege to believe in the Lord Jesus- Christ and by His grace He saved my soul. He has done so much for me in so many ways, so that I have always wanted to share my experiences with others, because I have found that life, in spite of all its ups and downs can be exciting. It can be lived with a real purpose satisfying and full of promise, and with hope for the eternal future for which one can prepare without the slightest fear.
I have lived the best part of my life with a great desire to tell people how great it is to know Christ and serve Him. I have led quite a few to the greatest discovery man can have of the love of God and what he offers freely in His Son who came from heaven to show man the way to Him, our maker and Creator. Now, with the help of some friends, I can open this site and be online to share Him again with anyone that might be interested to find who Jesus really is and what He has done for me and million others.
Although what I have expressed in few words may appear simple, yet to give man an assurance of eternal life here, now and forever has cost Jesus, The Son of God, an awful lot, this I will explain step by step to prove that He did everything out of love, how God had to plan it, and what Jesus had to do, how and why He had to die, to open the way for man to step out of death into life.
God raised Jesus from the dead and He lives forever to set men free from fear and help them to spend the rest of their lives in His service ~ He is a far better Master! “Jesus came to share our humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death ~ that is the devil ~ and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death! (Hebrews 2:14-15.The Bible!) He did it all for you too!