Posted on 10/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
There are two words in the Bible which appear frequently in the Bible, they are SIN and TRESPASS. The Oxford dictionary says that: SIN is a transgression against divine law or principles of morality; it says in capital letters that it is DEADLY, MORTAL and Original. The Original sin is the first sin that Adam committed when he disobeyed The Commandment God gave Him. As for TRESPASS, it is a transgression, breach of law or duty, wrong committed against person or property, especially a wrongful entry upon another’s land or property. We could simplify it by saying that Sin is the transgression of divine law, the Ten Commandments, whereas Trespass is a transgression of civil law. Nevertheless, in the Bible both are malign acts directed against God or persons, both need forgiveness sometimes from man, as far as a trespass is concerned, but always from God whether it be a trespass or a sin. This statement shows how closely God watches men and weighs their actions; men are responsible for every transgression of God’s Law. Sin affects profoundly man’s relationship with Him and men! When God created Adam, which means ‘man’, he was spiritually and morally perfect; there was never in him any desire for wrong doing, especially against God! Thus, sin could only enter his being from outside interference, and what is quoted below shows how it happened.
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, (the day is never as cool as it is early in the morning) and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord called to the man: Where are you? He answered: I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked. And God said: Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded not to eat? Then the man said: The woman you put here with me – she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it. Then the Lord God said to the woman: What have you done? The woman said: The serpent deceived me and I ate.” (Genesis 3: 8-13.) It is astonishing that up to this very day, what Adam and Eve did then, men do it all the time, when one has sinned, one always seeks to find someone else to blame, but eventually one has to face the truth, and sometimes only God knows it!
The day Adam sinned was not like every other day, the effects of what happened on that day has changed man and the earth completely to this very day and put men on the path of decay. The day that man, hearing the voice of God in the Garden, hid from Him because he was afraid to face Him was, and still is, the greatest catastrophe in human history. Everything that is wrong and evil in the world today has its root in that one act of disobedience. It is the saddest and most poignant story, because it changed forever the relationship of man with his maker, his God!
The judgement God attributed to Adam and Eve on that day is borne by every human being to this very day, judged in Adam was the whole of the human family, all are still wondering far from God. Many are the days that have left a terrible effect upon the history of mankind, such as wars, floods, earth quakes of great magnitude, volcanic eruptions, but not one was as terrible as that day, for all that transpires from it has completely changed the physical aspect, the spiritual make up and the whole intellect of man. Sin is the sole reason for all that is wrong in the world today for the simple fact that man is not what he was created to be, and unless he finds a way back to God, he will spend eternity in a place that was never meant for him, that must be hell! What do you think?
In Adam’s existence this day has put time into motion, on that day Adam (man) stepped out from eternity, as far he was concerned that clock of time begun to strike and will do so until the last one is struck. Life is the time God allows every person to dwell in his or her mortal body. The Bible mentions death endlessly, there comes a moment, an hour and a day when time will cease for people on this planet, and it always comes too quickly. Because of sin, this planet will disappear and man with it! It will happen because of that eventful day when Adam disobeyed God, and became a slave to Satan. In the light of this fact let me ask a question: What is the true nature of sin? The true nature of sin is destruction; it destroys everything in its path and everyone that commits it. It is a curse on man and the planet he lives on.
Sin is the very nature of Satan, his deadly venom is in the blood of every human being; it is an awful thing but very often man, by nature, delights, even if unwittingly, to rebel against God! There is no hope for man or the world, their doom is written! Sin can be explained away very easily, and many do that but the Bible says: “All unrighteousness (meaning disobedience, trespass or offence) is sin.” (I John 5:17). “By one man’s disobedience many were made sinners”. (Romans 5:12-20.) Sin is a rebellious wilful act of disobedience to the will of God, and the transgressions, of the Ten Commandments, reveals the true nature of sin.
It is taught in the Bible that Sin existed long before God gave the ‘Ten Commandments’. The verses above give the story of how sin mastered Adam and by him all his descendants and how it will work its will in every man until the end. It only took one act of disobedience to invade man’s nature with this venom, and finally, sin is the cause for his death. The spirit of man, which was that God conscious part of man, died in Garden of Eden and it produced fear, fear of God, then followed the fear of man, it flooded Adam’s soul and left an emptiness that so far has not been filled, man is still a soul without God. By nature, man does not know God and this lacuna is due to sin: “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23.) Sin, therefore, is man’s very nature and sins are the outward manifestations of it.
On that day God came into the Garden of Eden just as He did on all other days since Adam was created, it happened at the rising of the sun, in the cool of the day that He met with Adam and Eve, but on that day, they could not be found. Normally they stood expecting him, for meeting God was a daily pleasure, a moment of sweet communion. But sin brought fear in their heart and it gripped them so that they could not, they would not meet with Him, they were changed by yielding to the temptation, it still is the worse drama in man’s history. The impact of this sudden change left them in state of shock, they could not imagine what death really was, but as their spirit died, the glory of God left them, they knew what God meant, when he said: ‘for the day that you will eat of it you will surely die’. When their spirit died communion with God died. The only god that man can now have and approach, is one that he makes himself; an idol is the fruit of man’s decaying mind, cut off from the source of life: GOD! The mantle of the glory of God which covered them disappeared, they were found naked.
Sin robbed Adam and Eve from everything that was pure, descent, holy and clean. The peace with God which was so natural to them was lost, sin changed friends of God into enemies. A hymn that I love starts with these words: “A mind at perfect peace with God; Oh, what a word is this”: Perfect peace? How can it ever be recovered? Since then, there exists a vacuum in the heart of every man, an emptiness that genders ignorance of the spiritual dimension he was created for. Blaise Pascal said: “There is in man’s heart a void that God alone can fill” it is like the missing piece of a puzzle.
Firstly, Sin is a destroyer, so perfectly did it do it that even today, man by his very nature, is at war with God, and since then humanity has lost the respect it owes to its creator, and a strong resistance to His will, which it regards as a gross interference in its way of life. Wilfully man allied himself to God’s most terrible enemy, Satan, a task master, and mercilessly he now drives men to destruction. Satan knows that hell is his destination, but he is determined to take with him as many creatures as he can. There was love when God formed man from the ground and created him in his likeness, but there was no love when the devil came to tempt Eve, and having obeyed him, they both became his servants forever. But God did not give up, in the Garden of Eden for the last time, he called again and again: “Adam! where are you?” Adam could not avoid him, nor can anyone avoid Him, when God calls man must answer, even if he does so on the last day! At the call of God, which comes in His own time and way, man must go.
Secondly, Sin is a separator. Adam could not escape from having to give an account to God for his sin; sin must be judged and punished. Sin is always an act of war against Almighty God; no-one can win it. Whether one believes it or not, it changes nothing, because there is a day set aside when every man will have to stand before God to give Him an account for everything he has done in his lifetime. The predicted judgement for sins committed is eternal separation from God! Which is called the: ‘Second death.’ That is the teaching of the Bible, better believe it! How many times did God have to call Adam? We do not know, but conscience came alive in these two, and there was an awful struggle, a feeling hitherto unknown and it filled them with fear.
A thief or a murderer never stays for long where his crime was committed, no, he runs away from the scene as if the whole world was pursuing him. Have you ever watched a “western”? (A western is a type of film born out of a certain time in the history of the making of the U.S.A.) If you have, you know How quickly the criminal jumps on his horse, hoping he’ll escape that bullet, if pursued, he will whip that horse mercilessly trying to escape. Why does he do so? He does it because it is a natural reaction of every man’s conscience, which is the voice of God in him. Nevertheless, that bank robber, or killer whipping his horse might escape from men, but no man can escape from the Great Judge, even a criminal has a conscience, he will hide forever and live in fear for the rest of his days. It is story, but it is very true to normal living of man in the world. In a different way, Adam and Eve did the same thing, but there was no escape, nowhere to hide they had to face God and hear what He had to say!
Conscience became potent in the Garden of Eden, to this day it still accuses every human at fault, it does what it is meant to do, the fear it genders speak of the righteousness of our Creator, and its purpose is to drive us to regret, repent and seek forgiveness. The commandment that Adam was called to obey was broken, “Thou shalt not eat of it, nor touch it”, commanded God, but he and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, and their conscience drove them into hiding; for the first time they feared God, what a tragedy!
Man, still hides from God, he prefers to believe that God is a myth, but he cannot keep his conscience quiet, it condemns him and expects retribution! It is the voice of God and it accuses him of every wrong doing; it reminds him, especially, that God is very real and to him one sin is one to many; in Eden it killed in man the God conscious spirit forever. Satan is a murderer, on that awful day he proved it. Whereas God makes Himself very present in the things he has created, Satan likes to hide himself, it suits him to convince his subjects that he does not exist so as to leave him free to work out the worst in them and for them. If he can convince men that he does not exist, he can hide in the darkness of his domain and do his dirty work unchallenged, but he will not hide himself forever.
Thirdly, Sin drives men to the bar of His maker to be judged. Finally Adam had to confess and say: “I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked.” They both helped each other to make a covering out of fig leaves, to try and hide their nakedness, but it proved to be inadequate, before God they were uncovered. Men still weave all sorts of coverings to justify themselves in the eyes of God, and men, but all man’s efforts won’t do because after having done his best God says that: “man’s good deeds are before God as filthy rags. (Isiah 64:6.) In our part of the world there are endless charities, a lot of money is spent in various countries to ease the suffering of their people. The British Government gives millions of pounds to many countries in need. It is the duty of every man, better off financially, to help the less fortunate; it is the teaching of the Gospels, and Christians should always be in the forefront to help those that are truly in need. But every such good deed is only man’s duty, it does nothing to atone unbelief!
Every man, Christian or not, must do it without expecting anything in return. But good works and a little bit of morality will not save man from hell, only faith in Jesus-Christ guaranties eternal life, which God gives freely to those who surrender to his call. People that have amassed fortunes, by all sorts of means, try to ease their conscience by good works but to no avail, the Bible says: “All of us have become like one who is unclean, (like a leper) and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; (they smell putrid – filthy to our Maker) we all shrivel like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. Oh God! No-one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and made us waste away because of our sins.” (Isaiah 64: 6) There is only one way a sinner can hope to wash his sins away, we shall consider this later on. One can try to forget his sins, ignores them hoping they will go away! There is saying that says: ‘Be sure your sins will find you out.’ Sin is a direct offence to God, every sin is like an arrow shot at God, the Bible says: “He that commits sin is a servant of sin.” (John 8:34.)
“Who told you that you were naked”? No one had to tell him, because sin struck a death blow and his spirit died in that awful moment. Because of this one sin men will never recover their standing before God but they will die in their sins and will be cast away from God; hell is a place where God is not. They will be assigned a place with Satan and the false prophets in the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15.) This teaching is not very popular, but what awaits men is so awful and real that God had to send, His Son Jesus-Christ, into the world to give His life a ransom. So, God takes the future of every man very seriously. If God could have found any other way, He would not have sent Jesus out of His home into a wicked world; but there was no other way, because sin had to be atoned by death, the Bible says: “The soul that sins it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4.) So, ‘Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures.’ (1 Corinthians 15:4-5) Through the preaching of the Gospel God has been warning men for almost twenty centuries, yet men have not listened, and the result is a hardening of their hearts, humanity has never been so far away from God as it is today, yet the way is still open. Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No-one comes to the Father but through me.” (John 14: 6.)
God warned Adam and Eve of the consequences of disobedience, but they ate of the fruit and died.God said: “You must not eat of the fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.” (Genesis 3: 2b.) The death of their spirit was immediate, and it was a terrible experience. It is impossible for us to imagine the effects of this sudden change. Physically Adam lived on for nine hundred and thirty years, but eventually because of his sin he died and his spirit left the body, (which is man’s temporary residence), then once he dies, he goes to a place where he awaits the day of judgement. This straight talking comes from the very lips of Jesus-Christ. He believed it so much that He gave his life and shed his blood, to save man from such a terrible end; He did it out of love, for without the sacrifice of Himself, there was no redemption possible, He had to go through it!
Sin struck a death blow and separated them from God forever. Externally that death was manifested when the holy garment that covered them was taken away. Their punishment has passed upon all their descendants; that’s why every man that comes into the world by a natural birth does eventually die. The Bible says: “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, (Adam) and death through sin and in this way, death came to all men, because all have sinned.” (Romans 5:12.) Every man that comes into the world is born in sin and is dead spiritually, in trespasses and sin, and through sin death rules his destiny.
“Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded not to it?” God asked. God knew very well what they have done, but He asked because they had to recognise it and confess their sin. It is confession and repentance that leads back to God and life eternal, for He has provided a way of escape. This voice of God and his call to Adam was penetrating into their innermost being and fear gripped them. When God, through the Gospel, calls today, those who hear it, it also penetrates their soul in the same way, there is a deep conviction of sins committed and man feels miserable, but when this happens, by His grace, Jesus-Christ is at work, and those that obey and rise to follow Him are saved!
We should note how they answered to God’s call. Adam instead of saying to God: “Yes, I have sinned”, blamed God for it and said: “The woman you put here with me, she gave me some fruit of the tree, and I ate it.” He was quick to blame God, for it was He, that created Eve and if he had not, he would not be in the mess he was in! Think of how much time is spent in the courts to find if the criminal in the docks is actually guilty, it has to be done because the guilty will rarely confess his guilt! The law says that man is innocent until proven guilty, so, if he can find a clever lawyer, with the help of position and money, he often, as the saying goes, he gets away with murder! In the days, not so long ago, when men were executed for serious crimes, the police were found to be wrong, for the evidence was scanty, the judges were fooled, and many guiltless men died for the crimes of others. In the face of such injustice don’t you think that it is good that at the final assizes, God, who knows the truth, will reward such people with the punishment they meri!? I think that it is only right that no-one can escape from the wrath of God. And on that day, if Christ does not claim one as His own, one will not find a clever lawyer, for God knows everything and all is written in His book! If God is hitting someone in between his eyes, and feels convicted, better confess your crime, or crimes, to God, and men, pay for them now and accept Jesus as your Saviour, for there is no sin too big that God cannot forgive, He will cleanse you from it, and give you eternal life by faith in Christ.
Adam was deviously trying to blame God for what he did, saying: “The woman you put here with me”. She really is the guilty one, if it were not for her giving me to eat of the fruit, this terrible thing would have never happened. Then God turned to Eve and said: “What is this you have done?” She replied: “the serpent deceived me, and I ate.” she too found someone to blame, it was the serpent. Finally, all three were declared guilty and each received its deserts. But it is in that stressful situation that God left man with a ray of hope, and ever since, faithful men have been comforted by the promise that God would send a deliverer, who would destroy Satan and save those that are His. From that statement, all references in the Bible lead to Jesus-Christ, and He is that promise deliverer, it is He who said: “I am come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (John 10:7-18.) (Read Genesis 3:15.) Thus God, through His mercy, left humanity with a hope of deliverance, a way out of slavery to sin, through Jesus Christ, the only hope of men.
If God had not put that tree in the middle of the garden, man would have been an automated being without any choice. So, let us not blame God or anyone else for the sins we commit. The freedom we so cherish, the human rights we so defend, are blessings to some degree, so let us make the right choices and let us not blame even Adam. The Bible says: “for we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God”. (Romans 3:23.). Whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, because of this one sin, the judgement of God has proven to be right, Adam and Eve by their sin made an alliance with the devil, and he will forever be the master of those who refuse to, or do not believe in Jesus-Christ, and yield to him the direction of their lives.
To the serpent God said: “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” We discern clearly that such a verdict befits a responsible being, not just the serpent that Satan used for his purpose, but the serpent too, bore the righteous judgement of God. Thus, throughout time and eternity the devil will be known as the serpent, because of his subtlety and evil craft. Eve was right when she said: “The serpent deceived me.” And he deceives men everywhere, but if you feel the call of God and desire to come to Jesus-Christ to be delivered, saved from your sins and the power of Satan, there is nothing and no one that can stop you to believe in Jesus and yield your life to him right now! To the man (Adam) God said: “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you: ‘You must not eat of it.’ Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food until you return to the ground, from it you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:17-19.) There are many truths that we can gather from the judgement of God pronounced on Adam and Eve.
Through the details of this awful drama, we learn how dreadful it is to disobey God. One sin must be atoned for and blood must be shed, so the only atonement there is for sin is the death. We read in the Bible that: “the wages of sin, is death.” Eternal separation from God is a very severe penalty; that is hell indeed! If God had not loved the world, he would have destroyed Adam and Eve there and then! instead before he ever cast them out of Eden, away from his presence God sacrificed two animals, to cover with their skin their naked bodies, it is in Eden that God caused the death of two lambs, and by this sacrifice God gave the promise of redemption through the sacrifice of the woman’s seed, which is none else that Jesus-Christ God’s beloved son!
Nevertheless, nothing could stop corruption to set in and slowly Adam lived unable to stop the downward path and died when he was nine hundred and thirty years old. There are then three steps to total separation from God, from light, from righteousness and total perfection. Firstly: the death of the spirit is passed on to every man at birth, and then comes the death of the body. All that man had accumulated in his lifetime and all his belongings, his family and friends, everything, he leaves behind, he is separated from it all, even from his own body, which returns to the ground. Finally, the second death awaits all men whose name won’t be found in the Lamb’s book of life. “The lake of fire is the second death: “If anyone’s name was not found written in the Book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:14-15.) Every believer in Jesus-Christ goes to Paradise where he meets Christ and all that have believed in Him. Jesus says: “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6.) I do not know how much you know about Jesus Christ the Son of God, you might not even have heard about Him, but I can guaranty that if you turn to Him with a simple, humble prayer, He will hear you. Ask Him to come into your life and save you.
Together with Jesus-Christ, two other criminals were crucified, at one point one of them turned to Christ, he really left it late, but amidst his suffering he experienced a change of heart. Whilst the other criminal was throwing insults at The Lord, he turned to him and said: “Don’t you fear God since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.’ Then he said to: ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ Jesus answered him: ‘I tell you the truth, today you will be with me paradise.” (Luke 23: 39-43.) There is an awful lot in this man’s confession, but we must move on, yet I will just mention two things. 1. His confession, although made at the end of a doggy life, was sufficient to receive pardon from Christ and the salvation of his soul. It proves that it is never too late to repent; only God knows the heart! 2. It does not take long to get to paradise, that very day he entered with it with Christ, just as he promised.
There is therefore a far better way to live one’s life and to walk the way that God has planned for you. I cannot here venture and give my own feelings, all I can say is that I also was a sinner like you, but one day I was given the possibility to surrender my life to Jesus, and I believed that the promise that God gives is true, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is Eternal life through Christ Jesus our LORD.” (Romans 6:23.) To be saved means that in spite of all the sins committed, by the grace of God, the man that repents from his sins, and accept Jesus as his Saviour and Lord, he can live the rest of his life, being absolutely certain that its place in heaven is sure, because it does not depend on what one does, but pardon and eternal life is assured by all that Jesus did on the CROSS for those that are His. This is the main reason, that I opened this website, because, my strong desire, since Christ saved me by God’s grace, is to try and bring as many as I possibly can, to accept Jesus-Christ as Saviour, and share with me in this great FREE GIFT and live to the glory of God! Jesus-Christ was crucified to free as from the curse of sin, for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness, (Hebrews 9: 22) but God raised Him from the dead and through faith in Him He gives Eternal Life! The new life is a power that works in every believer and causes Him to triumph over sin, and if he falls, he seeks forgiveness, and the blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son, cleanses Him from all sin. (Read 1 John 1) It is all there! So, I ask: Can you afford to live without Him? There is too much at stake to refuse God’s great gift!
We read in the Bible the following: “Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done in the body as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death, If, anyone’s name was not found written
in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15.)
God calls all men to repent, you might not hear it, but when you do, if you do, obey it, believe in Jesus-Christ and you shall live eternally, sins will be forgiven and the power of sin broken, it has to happen down here after death it will be too late, believe me, there is no purgatory, the unbeliever goes to hell, the believer in Christ goes to paradise to be with Jesus. Into the lake of fire were thrown the devil, the beast and the false prophet and all those that were not written in the lamb’s book of life, these together with them, will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Why do you think that Jesus was prepared to come down to earth, live through all that he did and then die a cruel death on the CROSS? WHY? Because, He knew what hell will be like, and out of love for you He was willing to die.
This most important truth is skipped over by most preachers, it was never so at the beginning, Jesus preached it, the apostles preached it, we preach it because it is still true, if anyone really cares for the soul of men, he will also preach it, because it is the will of a loving God that men do all they can to escape from hell, and He has made a way through Christ His Son. Not only His way is a way of escape from hell, it also leads every believer into a new life, a complete change of heart that leads to paradise! Jesus gave His holy Life on the CROSS so that we might believe and receive forgiveness of sins done in the body! God has been patient for centuries, but a day of vengeance for all the outrage done to Him and Jesus Christ His Only Son, by a brutal and rebellious unbelieving world, does not seem out of place. It will happen quicker than you think.
The attitude of men in general, as far as sin is concerned, is astonishing and very wrong. There is such a global disregard to the harm it does to individual, to society to God himself that we should wonder why men are ignoring it to the level they do. Sin is disobeying God and man’s general attitude to Him. It is Sin that turned man is an enemy of God and Causes him to be at war with his Creator.Disobedience to the first and only commandment God gave to man was the worst kind of rebellion against Him. The word Sin has disappeared from the general vocabulary, even from most pulpits, it is hardly mentioned. A spineless and faithless preacher is the greatest danger man can ever encounter, the very persons that he misleads will persecute him forever. To cover the truth of the Gospel and the horror of sin is murder of the worst kind!
People talk so glibly about the most important subject in the world. They hate God; they hate to be told that they are sinners. We hear men say: We hear people say, ‘we all make mistakes’ ~ ‘no-one is perfect’, and so on and so on. But it changes nothing to the fact that sin is sin. Any man that does not love God is a hell deserving sinner, because that sin is the root of all others. God calls it sin and a sin deserves death. We all make mistakes, yes, but we all sin as well and sin is far worse than a mistake, for only the blood of Jesus-Christ can wash it away! God hates sin that is very apparent in his dealings with men. That is why he has vowed to eradicate it completely from his creation. Sin has completely polluted the earth, the blood that the earth drank through centuries by the violence of sinful men, is crying out for vengeance; to free it utterly and cleanse it The Almighty will burn it with fire, and He will create a new heaven and a new earth, better believe it, for it will affect you and every human being. Accept Jesus and be saved!
Therefore, God has decided to create a new heaven and the new earth. We read in the Bible: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth passed away and there was no longer any sea.” (Revelation 21:1.) Men are capable of so much violence, so much cruelty that it is inexpressible; we are living indeed in the days of Noah! God will thus fulfil his plan of redemption which He planned before the foundation of the earth. Jesus says: “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man, (meaning before the return of Christ to the earth.) For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.” (Matthew 24:37-39.) That expression means that they were warned by Noah, a faithful preacher of righteousness, but they mocked him, and carried on with their lives. But what Noah predicted suddenly happened. In a very short time, they realised their mistake but it was too late, the door was shut and only God could open it. More could be said about this awful historical fact but we have to leave it until later. It is enough to realise that God proved many times to the world that He is sovereign in his property, and when He sees that evil is raising its head too much, He is quick to clean up the corruption with which Satan floods the earth. When immorality corrupted Sodom and Gomorrah only fire could purify it. When violence on earth reached up to heaven, God send a general flood and only eight were saved. God has said that he will destroy the earth once again but by fire, it would be utterly foolish to disregard it. Jesus the founder of true Christianity, believed in the flood that took all men away, and He also believed in hell as the place of eternal punishment of the ungodly. I would rather believe the Son of God then those who try to convince us of the contrary. Whatever habit they wear, or whatever pulpit they fill, liars sponsor the devil’s cause!
We learn also that Sin is a master. Not sins but Sin, this awful power that causes sins to be committed, by which men are tempted to do evil. Jesus speaking to the Jews that believed in Him says said: “If you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. They answered him: We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves to anyone, how can you say that we shall be free? Jesus replied: I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” (John 8:31-34.) These Jews were mistaken to think that because they were children of Abraham they would never be in danger of hell, they knew that they were the chosen people and that God was on their side, and yet here Jesus tells them that they were slaves to sin and children of the devil! No wonder they did not want to follow him any longer, and sought to kill Him. But the truth is the truth and only lies can give truth a false meaning, but truth never alters and finally at the throne of God men will have to face it. Sin bends men to its will, it is this venom of the devil that leads to eternal death all those that Christ did not deliver from his power!
As Jesus was speaking to the Jews that believed in Him many were offended and left
from following Him because they could not accept his teachings, and disregarded his words. The truth is powerful, Jesus is the truth therefore his words are truth. His words can make you free from this awful power that masters every man that is in the world, for all have sin, every man has this power in him thus all have the capacity to sin. This is the true character of a sinner it is not what he does but what he is. Man sins, because he is a sinner! Jesus, the son of God was the only sinless man that walked this earth, and because of it, evil men condemned him to the CROSS. They hated Him simply because of who He said He was, and all that he taught. Let us not cover it or brush it under the carpet, the truth is here, men are sinners and they want to be sinners, they delight in their sins and unless the Holy-Spirit comes to speak specifically to a man to convict him of it and lead him to Jesus-Christ, a change of heart is impossible.
Jesus makes clearly a difference between sins and sin when he said: “Everyone who Sins, is a slave to sin.” King David says in Psalm 51:5. “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.’. Medical science cannot analyse man’s blood and find it in man’s genes, but it has putrefied mankind totally, the moral state of the world today is a sign of the ‘end times’, just as Jesus said. It is so and nobody can change, a sinner he will die a sinner, as says the Bible: “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.” (Jeremiah 13:23.) Sin’s power entered Adam when he obeyed the devil, because of it is present from birth in every person that comes into the world! A lawful sexual relationship between a man and a woman is not a sin, but a white woman, or a black one, will conceive a child of her colour, so a sinner will conceive a sinner. I say it again; sin is a powerful master that relentlessly drives men to eternal destruction.
Sin finally is a reigning power in every man, it rules his will and subjects him to its evil desires. The Bible has much to say about sin that rules men. Romans 5: 17. ”For…by the trespass (or sin) of one man, death reigned through that one man.” 21. “Just as sin reigned unto death.” Death is a cutting away from God. Just as a branch dies withers and dies when cut off from the tree, so is a man cut off from God. I have heard it said that God was too harsh to punish Adam and Eve for just one sin. They must have learned their lesson and had it been overlooked they would not have done it again! God cannot look at sin, and one sin caused all the misery of mankind. One is one too many.
One sin cannot just be forgotten it must be dealt with; it is the Christian teaching that proves that if men do not believe that the blood of Jesus-Christ alone can wash sins away they will die in their sins! For, “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness”. (Hebrews 9:22.) Two animals were killed in the Garden of Eden; with their skins God covered the nakedness of Adam and Eve, blood must be shed. Fig leaves, which represent man’s work, were not adequate. It was by the death of these two animals that God covered their sin and spared Adam and Eve who should have died for their sin there and then. It is through the mercy of God that men live at all and that judgement is deferred until the end, giving men ample time to repent and come back to Him, through the only way available, Jesus, who said: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to God but by me.’ (John 14: 7)
God did not cause man to die, Satan did, for it is he, that sinned from the beginning. It happened before God ever created man, as I have already mentioned it. Satan raised a revolt against him, and took thousands of angels down with him into the abyss of utter darkness where God cast them away from his presence. It is he also that tempted Eve to commit this mortal act and by this deadly venom caused the death of man. Man has not got to murder two or three people before he is a murderer, one murder is enough, and according to the law of God every murderer must die. Many people took drags only once and died. I have found that those that seem to appear so self-righteous, and are ready to have a psychological weak attitude towards sin, generally, are the first to rise and condemn those who do them harm. All men have a fair idea of what wrong is and condemn it, always quicker in others and not often do they blame themselves.
The web that Satan weaved to take man into his servitude is total; man’s enemies are sin death and the devil. He rules them mercilessly and the history of humanity has left to us the true picture of his character. These are facts, nevertheless, unless God opens one’s eyes one will never see it or understand it, and that is eventually the truest witness to Satan’s utmost cruelty, because he knows that the end of all human beings will be similar to his. We read in the Bible concerning the final judgement of Satan: “And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, which is the devil, and bound him for a thousand years. When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth (North South East and West) --- Gog and Magog --- to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves (Jerusalem). But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (Revelation 20:1-10)
Into the lake of life were thrown the devil, the beast and the false prophet and all those that were not written in the lamb’s book of life, these together with them, will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. This important truth is skipped over by most preachers, simply because it is so hard for man to face these terrible situations. The wrath of God is real, but he never destroyed anyone without first warning men of the consequences of their rebellion. God has been patient with men for centuries. In man’s history there is the CROSS, on it, Jesus died for the sins of all men, and thus bore the judgement of us all. His blood, shed on the CROSS, can alone wash sins away: “In Christ we have redemption through His blood (we have) forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace of God.” (Ephesians 1:7.) All that God asks of man is to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus-Christ, for Jesus is the only way of escape from the wrath to come. Hence one day of vengeance for all the outrage done to Him and His Son Jesus, by the brutal and rebellious unbelieving world, does not seem out of place. You have been warned.
It is clear that a very gloomy and terrible end awaits people that have not believed in the
Lord Jesus-Christ for their salvation. Let me remind you, that the purpose of this site is
to show you that there is a better way for you to live and to finish your life on earth with a glorious anticipation. However low man may have sunk, there is hope, there is a way of escape! That way leads to Christ and through faith in Him, those, who will believe, receive Eternal life.
I invite you to follow the teaching of the Bible in the next chapter which asks a question. You cannot read it and not be filled with joy at the prospect of what God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit have prepared for those that love Him!
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My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.