The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Chapter 4: Why the Bible?

Posted on 05/03/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

You have decided to continue with the current subject; congratulation! What must stay strong in your mind, as you continue with our studies, is the fact that ‘Eternal Life’ is a free gift that God alone can give and that He gives it by grace, without merit, to those that turn to Christ and accept Him as their Saviour. One cannot do anything to merit it, and it never will be a final reward for anything good that one may have done in one’s lifetime. God says: “All of us have become like one who is unclean. And all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” (Isaiah 64:6.) What God says in the Bible is direct; things are what they are; yet as you will discover as you continue, it is the only book in which God declares His great love for mankind and offers a way of hope for those who humbly accept His grace! Outside of the Bible there is no way for man to find out the mind of God and His plan for the world.

Having and reading the Bible, is very important, it deserves a lot of care to make sure we search it with all the seriousness that it deserves. We are on earth for a very short time. The human body is like a tent, a provisory? Existence which, as the Bible reveals can end badly or successfully, depending on the place we give to God during our short stay on it. Life is a precious gift that God alone can give, but the most precious gift God gave is His Son, Jesus-Christ by whom man has an access to all the promises that God made, such as life eternal that He offers through Him to those that will believe: “Christ dies for our sins according to the Scriptures”! (I Corinthians 15:3.) 

To every human being life is pictured as a pilgrimage, John Bunyan wrote a book called: ‘The pilgrims progress’, it is regarded by many as a companion to the Bible. Life is also regarded as a way; the way, speak of how men behave and live their lifetime on earth. It is also depicted as ‘Voyages’ which are marked by important events, each being like a port, which changes one’s life! A degree in University, or the end of an apprenticeship, is followed by the start of a new career, Then comes the time of courtship and  marriage, the birth of a child, etcetera. Then comes the Ultimate Voyage, one way ~ no return, we leave this life and enter eternity! The Bible alone shows us a positive way of life that in the will of God, assures man of a successful entry into the presence of God! Getting there is not pot luck, or as so many believe today that our good works will get us there. The Bible is right when it says:“There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end, it leads to, is death.” (Proverbs 16:25) because I am a disciple of the Lord, like all true Christians, I am an optimist, because there is another way, a better way, and if you open yourself to the truth, Jesus will bring you to His Father’s house! To do that and to arrive there we need a Bible!

It is Jesus, who says, that two roads take humanity to its final destination, saying: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate that leads to destruction and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14.) Jesus was a realist; history proves that He was right, so if He calls you don’t mess it up, because you are greatly privileged. The Bible is the only book that deals with this important subject and shows how Jesus-Christ came into the world and had to sacrifice His life on a CROSS, to assure the forgiveness of sins and make eternal life accessible to those that by grace can accept Him as their personal Saviour. In the United Kingdom we live in a democracy, which is not practice everywhere. We are used to the fact that the majority of us are called periodically to choose the ones that will govern the land. Because of it we are greatly influenced by the decisions of the majority. Yet the trend in the Bible shows that the majority has always been wrong and voted, by their actions against the will of God, this is why Jesus says, that only few find the narrow road attractive, for on it one set oneself against the majority, yet it is God’s way, to life eternal. It is as God says: “This is the way walk ye in it.” (Isaiah 30:21.)

This website is dedicated to help people to discover that faith in Christ which opens the way to a far better life than one without Him. The verses quoted above show that we have a choice as to the road we take. The bad one is very popular, whereas the good way is to follow Jesus Christ who said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me”. (John 14:6.) The Father’s house is heaven and it is reserved for His sons. True Christians have never been in the majority, only a few disciples followed Jesus whilst He was on earth, but it is the crowds that shouted: “Crucify Him – Crucify Him.” 

Life, as lived by the majority of the world, is very risky. Selfish and brutal men are the product of a world obsessed with a love of power. It is ‘mammon’ that keeps one independent of God, and the more one has the more he chooses to do with a life without God; ‘money is the ‘Root of all evil’, the Bible is so true!  It is not the amount of it that is bad, because I have met millionaires, especially during my six months In the U.S.A. that had a lot of it, but they were the humblest people I had the pleasure to be with. So, it all depends on how we use it and realise that whatever God gives us, is to serve Him and His cause, which is to win people to Christ for the salvation of their soul. It is right to work, it is right to study, try to reach the top and be successful in all we do, but true happiness is to be mastered by Christ alone, and be His humble servants with all we may have and all that He made us to be! Try it”

Whereas we know fully well that we need money to live, we must try to avoid to be caught in the malaise of today’s philosophy, sponsored mainly by the politics of the present age that has absolutely based man’s happiness and future on enmity with God! Money, pleasures, success, happiness, contentment are what God wants for His people, being blest of God it helps man to serve Him and his neighbour better, according to His will of God. There is a story, in the Bible, of a rich landowner who had two sons. After a while the youngest got tired to work for his dad, it could have been because of his boring brother who was too serious at his work, or because he was plain lazy. People that take life seriously are, in the eyes of many, ‘boring’. He felt that he was tied down to an occupation that was becoming increasingly pointless, he hungered for a bit of excitement, what some call: ‘living it up.’His brother was completely different, and utterly devoted to his father, he worked hard and did all he could to prosper his father’s business. In the eye of his younger brother, that attitude and hunger for work aggravated his position and he found it untenable; other factors contributed to his discontent and to continue looking after his father’s farm, with a boring brother, was just too much. It got to such a pitch that he decided to leave his father’s house and claimed his part of the inheritance and started to prepare his departure.

His father was distraught with his decision and deplored it greatly; he loved him a lot and did not want him to go, but whatever he tried he could not change his mind. He had no option but to divide the inheritance and with, great sadness, to let his young boy leave the shelter, the home he built for his family. The youngster left home and harried to a far country. He chose the life of a ‘play-boy’.  Quickly he got in with the wrong crowd and started living it up. But, as it is so often the case, he chose the sliding slop to destruction. Away from home and from his father, having no one to tell him what to do, having a lot of money, he found all the pleasures he had wanted and so in his new found freedom he started to waste his living. It did not take long for his money to run out and soon he got into a lot of trouble. Whilst he had money, he had plenty of friends, but when that was gone, they soon forsook him and he found himself alone in a strange land away from home. Although this story is two thousand years old it is still so up to date, and just like this young man many, sadly, make a hash of their lives.

At the worst time of this sad episode, when he was broken and in dyer need, a famine broke over the land. He had no trade in hand to fall upon. His dad, the safety of home, the farm all were far away. Nevertheless, may be out of pity for this fine young man, a local farmer took him on and sent him out into his fields to mind and feed his pigs. The situation worsened and it got to the place where he had nothing to eat and to appease his hunger, he would have eaten the horrible fodder that was given to the animals, but no one would even give him a bowl full of this horrible concoction! Hunger is very humiliating and hard to bear.

In the midst of his deprivation, he started thinking and said to himself: “How many servants in my father’s house have plenty of food to eat and I, the son of a rich farmer, suffer wont, my very life is in danger! This kind of living could not continue without some grave conclusion, understandably it drove him to make an unexpected decision, one he could have never thought possible a while back, when jubilantly he left the comfort and safety of home and his boring brother! Finally, he had to say: “I will return to my father and will say to him, Father I am not worthy to be called your son, but please take me in as one of your servants.” This he did. 

As he was approaching home, his father, knowing jolly well that the day of his return would come, was looking out constantly for his son. When he saw him from afar, he run to meet him, but before his son could say anything, his father embraced him and hugging him wept overjoyed to see his son again. In response to this affection, he said to his dad: “Father I am not worthy anymore to be called your son, I have wasted your substance; take me in as your servant it will suit me fine!” But the Father would have none of it and gave his servants the order to prepare a great feast for this home coming, having ordered to prepare a bath to wash away the dirt of him, he put on his son the best robeand ordered them to prepare a banquet fit for the occasion for which he waited for so long. When everything was ready, he said: “Let us rejoice and be merry for this my son was lost and is found again; was dead but is alive.”  Thus, the whole household began to feast the return of this young man. You can read this very human story in the Gospel of Luke 15:11-32. 

This story is the story of humanity, and it is so true of God who waits for you to return home. The Gospel, the love of God and of Jesus-Christ, shows ~ why we need the Bible, ~ For it shows that God is not that punitive being, never happy with what men do for him, demanding the impossible as depicted by so many religions, as a horrible dictator. Why the Bible? Because in it alone, we find the true God, represented by His own Son, Jesus-Christ, who by his life, and the Gospel revealed God as He wants to be to you, a loving Father, waiting for you to come home! 

Why the Bible, because it is only in the Bible that God reveals Himself just as He is. God declares, in it, His love for the world by sending Jesus-Christ, His only Son, to tell men what He has planned to give them an opportunity to regain what Adam lost. This provision is made plain in the Gospel. Jesus went around the land of Palestine, preaching that the time for repentance had come and that the way to return to God is open. He said plainly “For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19: 1.)  The Bible alone shows how mankind has wilfully wondered away from God and has built, by its progressive rebellion, a barrier between itself and God, it is now a very high and very thick wall which cannot be removed or broken by man’s own efforts!  

Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit can break down the strongest opposition and he alone can deliver you from the evil one and make of you a child of God. But as I have said our return to him is possible; but it also shows that even to God, this return was not easy, and to make it possible He had to sacrifice His only Son, ‘for there was no other one good enough to pay the price of sin, Jesus alone could unlock the gate and let us in’! This quotation is from a lovely hymn. We discover in the |Bible, as we read it, how methodically and minutely God had to work during many centuries to break the power of sin. It took all His wisdom and all His almightiness to make sure that those that HE GAVE TO HRIST, could be set free and break their chains of sin forever and destroy the power of sin and the devil! Without the shedding of blood even God cannot forgive sins, this will become amply clearer later on, in the development of this subject. The Bible alone reveals how men have gone astray and the price they are paying for their open rebellion to God’s sovereignty and his right to legislate in their affairs. It also says that without returning to God through faith in the Jesus Christ, no-one can hope to get to heaven.

The devil has been defeated on the CROSS, but his final destruction is yet to come. God’s wrath is inescapable, whether it be men or demons, all will receive their just rewards on the last day. But before Satan’s day comes he will try to take with him into hell, as many as he possibly can, including you, if you let him! Returning to God, just like this foolish son returned to his father, is absolutely essential. This willingness to repent is a gift from God and is birthed in the heart of men by the Holy-Spirit through the preaching of the CROSS. This is found in the Bible which says: “When you a mere man pass judgment on other men and yet you do the same things (commit the same sins) do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance and patience, not realising that God’s kindness leads you towards repentance?” (Romans 2:3-4.)

Isn’t it true that, men are intolerable when they are wronged, and always find others worse than themselves? But God is mocked when He tells them that they are sinners just as everybody else! The situation in the world, morally and spiritually, has become dangerous; it has led men further and further away from God who alone can guaranty their eternal salvation from the terrible end that awaits the ungodly. Why the Bible? It is essential because in it, God does not hide that the time for retribution is real and that one day He will reclaim what is rightfully His. When that day comes, He will empty the world of those who have misused it and have polluted it with their crimes! Today we still have the possibilities to be positive and turn to Christ for the salvation of our soul. God never acts without warning men of what He will do. He warns not once but many times. Through the preaching of Noah, he warned men during one hundred and twenty years during which Noah built the ark to save himself and his family; but they would not listen, until the floods came but it was too late, God had shut the door of the ark. Men do the same today. God has been warning the world for two thousand years, as the Gospel was preached and still is, in the whole world. To this sophisticated world it is taken as a big joke, and Christians that still believe what God has said are taken for simpletons, but as it the days of Noah, what God has said will happen, His word never returns to Him void!

The Bible alone reveals that to save men from sin, death and the devil, God had to send 

His only Son Jesus-Christ to make a way of escape, and to grant salvation full and free, He had to die a cruel death on the CROSS, thus taking on Himself the judgement that was reserved for all sinners! He was crucified there as a substitute and died for all those that would believe on Him! WHY? Because: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever (Jew or gentile) believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him.” (Gospel of John 3:16-17.) For to the son, in the story I have quoted, a sad end was unavoidable unless he returned home to his father, however humbling it appeared to be he did it. In the same way there is no hope for any man unless he repenting from his sins returns to God, through the only way provided, by kneeling at the CROSS of Christ and acknowledge Him as their Saviour! 

A Hymn by Charles Wesley says:      

O Love divine! What hast thou done? The immortal God hath died for me! For me and you, To                            The Father’s co-eternal Son bore all my sins upon the tree;

The immortal God for me hath died; My Lord, my love, is crucified,

Is crucified for me and you, to bring us rebels back to God:

Believe; believe the record true, ye all are bought with Jesu’s blood

Pardon for all flows from His side; My Lord, my Love, is crucified

Acknowledge it sincerely and believe it! It is in the Bible that we read the words of Jesus who said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father (whether Jew or Gentile) except through me.” (John. 14: 6.) A simple prayer from the heart asking Jesus to save you is sufficient so pray right now, and confess Him as Lord. Jesus said “Come unto me you who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11: 28 KJW.) Sins are a heavy load to bear, all disobedience of His commandments is a sin against God, and it can only be atoned and forgiven by the death of Christ. One sin was enough to plunge all of humanity into death, but Jesus died for the sins of the world and He alone can deliver man from death to live a new life for the glory of God.

The young man in our story did not love his father and got tired to submit to him, it is only at his return to him that he discovered how much he was loved! Men have the wrong idea about God and are ungrateful of his bounties, like the young man in our story ungrateful as he was, just as he desired to break away from the chore of life with his father, so man has decided to break away from God’s rule, dwelling with him and near him did not attract them, submit themselves to his sovereignty, did not suit them, so they rebelled against God and broke away from His presence. Wilfully men choose to serve the devil. Man took his life into his own hands and lost it, he is still glorying in an imaginary freedom, yet he is in chains bound up forever, a victim of his pride which leads him into the profoundest form of slavery to a terrible tusk-master, Satan. Far from the love and the safety of home things always go wrong. 

That is why men, in their present state, are all wrong; they are completely out of place. Not true to the purposes of God for them, they are lost seeking the true meaning of their existence. Since God alone is the source of all lives, His breath is in every man and without God he has no purpose, seeking a kind of fulfilment he is always looking for something better. I speak from experience, I was a lost sinner too, so do not think that I am speaking things that I have heard or have read, I have lived through it. No Christian has ever come down from heaven, but they are Christians, they are disciples of Christ, because they have heard the message of the Gospel and the Holy-Spirit touched their heart by the grace of God, and they repented and believed in Jesus and in Him found the Way that leads back to God and finally to the home He has prepared for all His sons! 

The life of a true believer in Christ is the only one that makes sense, that is what I found and I know it to be real! Many Christians before their conversion lived hard lives, cursing God and man, being rebellious to His will they were far from seeking after him, But Jesus sought them and a miracle happened after that everything changed. But nominal Christians, upright and moral, men that went to Church and lived for the good of others, had to take the same way because self-righteousness has never saved anyone. However, they also heard the call of God, and were convicted that they were not right with God, so they responded and believed and from that day they became true Christians, disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Concerning this change we read this: 

“Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey ~ whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were intrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.... Just as you used to offer parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.” (Romans 6:15-19.) 

There is a positive side to these statements of truth, it applies to people who have become Christians, and expresses well the change in them through obedience, but they also describe so well the state of men in unbelief! The change in believers is not of their own making but it is purely and utterly the work of the Holy-Spirit. The negative side of this statement expresses well what kind of morality Christians had before they obeyed that form of teaching, so essential to a true conversion,  for without obedience to the Gospel, no man can be saved from the curse he is under through sin! Such is the state of every sinner, and the Bible states that: 

“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” The following verses make it even plainer: “Do you not know that the wicked (those that are ruled by ~ Satan) will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor male prostitutes, not homosexual offenders, nor thieves nor the greedy (Those who greed for honour, power or wealth. Nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, (in the blood of Christ shed on the CROSS) you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus-Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11.) All Christian in Corinth were not such terrible sinners! BUT THEY ALL WERE SINNERS, enemies of God, but all have been washed for: “The blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purifies us from all sin.” (1 John 1:5-10.)

Why the Bible? It is because such direct truth can only be found in it. I read these truths over and over again, and I know that there is hope for every sinner, however low he may have fallen. Nevertheless, it is very plainly put, that once a person believes in Jesus-Christ that person ceases from those sins, as from any other. Friends, this kind of change can only happen as one believes in the Saviour, Jesus-Christ, of whom, the Bible alone speaks about. Without a true repentance and a sincere return to God in obedience to the Gospel, without a call of God to come home, no man, however good or upright can hope to save his soul from hell! That is the greatest reason why every person should possess a Bible and read it and believe it! It is there only that one finds the true God, and His One and only Son Jesus-Christ, the Saviour of all those that dare to trust Him.

Whilst every Christian is a miracle of God’s love and grace, some are greater miracles than othersand enjoy, with millions saved men and women all round the world, the new life, eternal life, is found only through faith in Jesus-Christ. There is therefore, since God alone can create life, a sense in which God is this loving Father away from which humanity goes from bad to worse and hungers for home food. We read in the Bible the discourse of Paul to the Athenians, saying: 

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him, and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being, as one of your own poets has said: We are his offspring.” (Acts 17:24-31.)

Men in general have their ideas, and those who believe in a god, do not find it necessary to seek after the true and only God. But they also are lost and by worshipping idols provoke God to anger for he alone is worthy of worship. It is pride that drives men away from finding in Christ, the reason of their life and its true purpose. To find God one needs humility and a determination to seek after him and God says: “They that seek me shall find me if they seek me with all their heart!” (Proverbs 8:17.) “You will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29.) If you want to, then begin to read the Bible, start with the New Testament, and then believe it, believe in the one to whom the Holy Spirit will lead you and that Saviour is Jesus Christ. especially, in the story of His life and His teachings, you will find Him!

Why the Bible? Why take it so seriously you might say? Because being lost in sin is dangerous! Christians, are converted sinners, men that have experienced that God fulfils his promises, He drew us to Christ and through him he has given us life eternal! Here and now, we possess this great gift and no one can annul and take away, what God has done and given to us, through faith in Jesus Christ his Son, who is still working out His purposes in all those that have believed in Him. Why the Bible? No where else can we find the truth about ourselves. Where have we come from? Where are we are going? How can we live a more fulfilling life? It’s all there. We came into this world through a natural birth, our mother Eve brought the first human being into the world. All mankind are descendants of these two, Adam and Eve, therefore we all come into this world the same way just as we all go out of it in the same way, through death we all step into an eternal existence. Make sure you get to the right destination, there is a heaven for all that have believed in Christ, just as there is a hell for all who remain slaves to Satan!

According to the teaching of the Bible all unbelievers go to hell whereas only those that have surrendered to the claims of Jesus-Christ go to heaven, they are saved by grace without any merits on their part, they live on earth, with an unshakable assurance that heaven is their destination, not because they are perfect but because they believed that Christ died for them and that His blood purifies them daily from sins and keeps them pure. Now, there are various theories going about that tempt men to disagree with the biblical record. You also may disagree with statements like these, but you will not find an assurance of sins forgiven and life eternal outside of Christ, who died for your sins and lives forever, and because He lives every Christian lives also, the very pure and holy life that Jesus-Christ lives in them, right now, for ever!

There is nothing new, men have always tried to be wiser than their Creator, nevertheless the missing link, invented by the evolutionists, is still missing, and even if men were to find it, our experience of salvation, through a spiritual birth by the Holy-Spirit, is so real that every person, that is born again, believes that they have received eternal life as a free gift from God without merit, the rest are fables, lies that deceive the cleverest in humanity! All true Christians believe that his son Jesus-Christ came from heaven to die for their sins, that he lives today in heaven, and that, because of his redeeming work on the CROSS of Calvary they are absolutely sure that after death, they will go to their heavenly home and join their heavenly Father, and his Son Jesus-Christ.

If you desire to continue in the quest of this better life, eternal as it is, pure and holy, and follow Jesus for the rest of your life, you must be prepared to leave all the prejudices you may have concerning God and His Only Son Jesus-Christ. You must accept that the Bible is the Holy Word of God. If you have not got a Bible, you should try to get one as soon as possible, in your own language or an English version. The New International version, (NIV) is good, although the King’s James version is still the best, but the Old English language may cause you problems. I use the NIV for this presentation, simply because it is written in modern English spoken worldwide.  

Please continue with chapter 5. “God said let us, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them! (Genesis 1:26)

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About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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