The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Link International (Number 6) - From me to you!

Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

‘To all who received Him, to all that believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision nor a husband’s will, but born of God.’(John 1: 13)

The biblical pattern that began to bring true believers to the Lord, the preaching of the Gospel and teachings of the apostles of the Lord, as taught by them, brought into being Protestantism, but since those days, Satan has found a carnal ground into which he has sown formalism, so that today, Protestants and Catholics live together as if nothing happened and the truth, once more is left to a faithful remnant, mainly Evangelicals. To that carnal church, calls true believers by all sorts of names, fanatics, bibles punchers, illiterate; science has opened the door to godlessness, and godlessness had always bread unbelief, sectarianism, and hatred. But as it is said, there is nothing new under the sun, is true, for the Jewish clergy did and said exactly the same thing about Jesus and His followers. After killing the Lord Jesus Christ, they persecuted his disciples everywhere they went, proving that that they really were sons of the devil, and to this day such men are really doing his works faithfully. The enemies of Jesus are no more, they all died, but He is alive for evermore, and His Church is still growing all over the world! More could be said about the protestant backsliding, because, in general, what is left, is a very confused, purely human church, whose membership worldly and confused keeps the flag flying with a very weak enthusiasm.

So, each has his label without conviction nor understanding as to why they still call themselves Christians? But that is how unbelievers view Christianity, so, to know what a Christian truly is one needs to search the Bible to find what God says he is. The true reason why there still Christians in the world at all, is because God wills it, and since a true Christian is a new creation, so ‘God alone knows what and who are real Christians for He birthed them into being and calls them: His sons! 

The statement that I have made previously: ‘God alone knows what and who are real Christians for He birthed them into being,’ is of a tremendous spiritual statement, for it leads us to a big question, just as big, for the verse quoted above reveals the main reason for Christ’s coming into the world; He came into the world to call the men God gave to Him before the world was made, and build them into a new people ‘His Church’, citizens of a new race destined for their place in heaven! To this end He said: ‘I will build my Church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ (Matthew 16:18) To this very day Jesus is still busy building ‘HIS CHURCH’ and He will do it till its completion. Those that think that the Church is dead better wake up, because when it is finished the power of Christ will deeply affect every person in the world! Whilst men plan and cogitate their schemes and dreams, God is at work and when He acts men realise that He is there and does what He wants when He wants! In the Gospels Jesus only mentions the Church twice! So, I am going to ask another question: ‘What does God say as to what, and who is a Christian?’! Where can we start? To begin to answer it I want to say that neither God the Father nor Jesus Christ ever mentioned the word: ‘Christian’, nor did the Apostles of the Lord. Jesus names his followers: ‘disciples’, God the Father names them: ‘Children, or Sons’, as for the Disciples of Christ they call them: ‘Saints’! In the Bible a saint is a person set aside, separate, holy! Paul writing to the Christians in Rome says ‘To all who are loved of God and called to be saints in Rome’, (Romains 1:7) To those in Ephesus, he writes: Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus!’ (Ephesians 1: 1) We shall come back to this subject later on in our study! Almost twenty centuries have passed since the ascension of Christ into glory, so, today, what can we say of the Church or Christianity in general? In the world, one can be called a ‘Christian’, without being a disciple of Christ, or a Son of God, but never is he called a: ‘Saint’!  Even Christians would never admit openly that they are saints. Christians? Who do you think fits that name? Who would call you a Saint? God does! Well, we shall see, and you will not know the answer unless you continue to read these 'Links'. The answers to all these stupendous questions will truly be astonishing!

Posted in General

About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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