Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
To continue from the previous ‘Link’ What I can say is that the Word of God proves that as long as men are not changed from within by the power of the Holy Spirit, who alone can convert a sinner into a saint, and help him to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, a change for the better is not possible! Man, by nature, is a sinner, as such, according to the Bible, he is an enemy of God, for he will not allow him in, to meddle in his affairs. Man is a sinner from birth for he is a son of Adam, who was the first to rebel against God and thus became a servant of darkness. God rejected Him, cut him off, and since God is the source of Life, that is what death means. The glory of God which was his apparel suddenly left Adam, the effect upon him was terrible, it was a spiritual death, we cannot imagine the awful change that occurred so suddenly on their whole being; nevertheless, marked by the fall, Adam lived on till he was nine hundred and thirty years old. Since the fall, all men are sinners by birth, and as such they are rebels, enemies of God, incapable to love God and so they break the first commandment which says: ‘You shall have no other gods before me.’ (Exodus 20: 3) To this, Jesus added, when questioned by a Pharisee, who asked Him which was the greatest commandment He replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment in the Law. And the second is like it; love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments’ (Matthew 22: 37) In other words: Break one commandment and you have broken the whole Law! God shows that He is absolutely righteous, sin is a direct attack on Him, and as such He is set to destroy men’s unrighteous deeds and eventually, man himself; because ungodliness leads to total corruption of mind and body. So, as long as this situation exists there is no lasting future for those that are at war with Him!
Factual history, as we find it in the Bible, shows how God hates sin, it is the devil’s venom that poisons every man that comes into the world. He will not tolerate it at any cost. He warned Adam, who, in turn, warned Eve, that the day they disobey His will they would die, and they did! I will not enter into details, but, as I said they lost the glory of God which was their garment of light since God created them. Satan, the master tempter, beguiled them to believe that better things were ahead for them if they listened to him, but that act was one of pride, the very pride that inspired him to rebel against God and fell, defeated, he was cast into the abyss of darkness. Man did die, and ever since the whole creation is in slavery to the devil, and mercilessly, Satan drives him into the despair of a life without God. By nature, man is revolted against his Maker, and he cannot find the way back to Him, God has shut every possible issue man is left out in the cold! But in His mercy Jesus, sent of God His Father, came and through Him man can find a way of repentance and be reconciled with God, for Jesus said: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.’ (John 14: 6)
As I said, the Word of God shows that He will not tolerate rebellion for ever. Although the ‘Ten Commandments’ were not written clearly until God gave them to Moses on mount Sinai, yet man knew in His heart right from wrong, the conscience did its work and accused him everytime sin was committed. What happened in the garden of Eden was told again and again from one generation to the next. Men knew that Cain killed his brother Abel, and how God disowned him, and sent him away from His presence, and Cain became a wonderer! He was under the curse all his life and passed away to meet his judge. It should have been a warning to all generations, but slowly, men continued to offend and irritate God, when they saw no reaction from Him, they must have grown to think that He did not care. So, they sinned at will, and things got worse and worse, until the world reached complete pollution, ungodliness is rampant, violence and rebellion fill our streets, and according to prophecy it will lead humanity to its destruction!
Posted in General
My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.