Posted on 05/11/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
Jesus never wrote one solitary line of all that He preached openly, or taught in private. Yet, what the disciples heard, was deeply impressed on their heart. Years after Jesus ascended to heaven, the church grew and spread greatly, due to its increase the disciples found that it was necessary, if not urgent, to put into writing the life of Jesus Christ and His teachings. Thus, led by the Holy Spirit, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the Gospels, at different times, over a period of ten years. Later Paul, Peter, John, James and Jude wrote the epistles; Luke also wrote the Acts of the apostles, last of all the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation and his tree epistles and from the isle of Patmos, where he was imprisoned, sent them to the Christians that he pastored. In all, twenty-seven books complete the New Testament. God saw the necessity to leave the written word to the generations to come, without it there would not be for us the possibility of hearing the truth even today, and be saved through faith in Christ, that would have been awful, for it is faith in the truth of the Gospel that changes man’s eternal destiny, nothing else will do it, for it is Jesus that said: ‘I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the Life. No-one comes to the Father (to God) except through ME!’ (John 14: 6)
To have the written word was also essential, for heresies that were arising from false disciples, the Holy Spirit impressed on the apostles the urgent need to write down what Jesus said and taught them, so as not to lose any of it. So today, we have the same truth to keep us from falsehood and the devil’s lies! Satan, through men at his disposal, shows how much he hates the truth, these false teachers are still around and their purpose is to confuse people, by their personal interpretation of the truth or completely ignoring it; to this very day they employ the same tactics! Thousands of Bibles were burned openly in cities and towns during the reformation. It is still a forbidden book in many communist countries. The Bible is an awesome heritage, it alone can keep every Christian, in whatever nation, on the straight and narrow, as Jesus called it for He said: ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.’ (Matthew 7: 13-14) There is only one gospel, but men have invented many versions to suit the spirit of the age, so much so that every man has his god.
To make sure that we follow the Lord, I advise every man to realise, that there is a great spiritual confusion in the world, it has also crept in what is known as the Church, or Christianity, for there are so many cults and religions, and Christian confessions, inspired by various factors, so that those who by fear or prejudice believe and follow their teachings, will lose their soul! There is a diluted Gospel, it has poisoned the mind of many! But true Christians still believe that, as I have stated, there is only one way, and faith in Jesus Christ alone, is the only means by which men come out from darkness into light, from death to eternal life, and from Satan’s bondage to God, that is being narrow for it does not allow any human interference! That is what Jesus taught, what His disciples taught, and faithful servants of Christ preach and teach up to this day! For you also Christ died to wash your sins away, and give you eternal life! So, right now: ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!’ (Acts 17: 31) Full stop.
We can appreciate now, that almost two thousand years since the words they wrote and taught, have, in this end times, led us to Christ for the salvation of our soul! God has His own way to call to Jesus His elects! What seems an utter impossibility, in the light of so many oppositions, men in the whole world are led to believe in the Lord Jesus-Christ, the Holy Spirit has convicted them of sin and by a personal commitment they accepted Him as Saviour and Lord, and with a deep conviction own Him as their God and Master. As said martin Luther: outside of Jesus Christ I know no other God!
Posted in General
My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.