The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Link International (Number 24) - From me to you!

Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

One cannot miss, when reading such words and the tone of them, that God is God of all the earth and sovereign Lord over it. Only those that really know Him can read it with reverence and say ‘Halleluiah’! Every time the rainbow appears, it is a witness that God still keeps this covenant made with Noah, that long ago! After this covenant he made other Covenants. He made one with Abraham, another He made with Israel, when they came out of Egypt, He also made one with David, finally He made the New Covenant, which in Christ is Eternal! From the days of Noah, God has not spoken to the gentile peoples, although all have sprung from the three sons of Noah. This changed when Jesus commanded His disciples, to go and preach the gospel, to all nations of the world! Up to the present days, men, as in the days of Noah, irritate God by their hardness of heart and their ungodliness; living in constant rebellion pitting themselves against the Almighty, yet, the rainbow still appears as a witness to God’s sovereignty and faithfulness. It does not mean that he overlooks men’s evil deeds, for they are all written in His book, but He is faithful to His plan, and as long as it takes to finish it, the rainbow will shine; when he has finished it, then will come the end!

I am mentioning these stages of man’s descent into the abyss of darkness, because we must appreciate that God did not send Jesus to save respectable men, upright people, but to save men without scruples, sinners, servants of evil, and that men today show the same characteristics, rebellious as Cain, unworthy. The best among men is a God hater and a rebel at heart. Jude, the brother of Jesus, in his short epistle makes mention of it and does not mince his words! If you have a Bible read it, even Christians need reminding, for we are dealing with a Holy God! He mentions fallen angels which followed Lucifer in his revolt, and how God dealt with them reserving them for judgement of the last day. Jude also mentions that God after having delivered the people of Israel from Egypt, destroyed a whole generation for their unbelief! I am trying to establish history to prove that man did not deserve God’s attention, who patiently suffered abuse for centuries, then, to a rebellious world, He finally sent Jesus His Beloved Son, to bring a change, and save the elects!

We must not forget that after the flood, God also dealt strongly with men, for soon after it, they proved that they had not learned the lesson, and in rebellion, as did their ascendants, they pit themselves again, against God and invented all sorts of gods, for, in their blindness, they searched for a god, hoping to find one who could help them to stand up to the Almighty, for they did not want to obey Him. It is written: ‘God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them: Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.’ God commanded them to replenish the earth, and they did not agree with it! From that rebellious crowd arose a man called Nimrod, he was a great warrior and a clever dictator, and we know what happened to him and all the crowd he gathered to worship various planets. It is written. ‘Cush was the father of Nimrod, Cush was a son of Ham, one of the three sons of Noah, and Nimrod grew to be a mighty leader of men. It is written: ‘The first centres of His kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Akkad and Calneh, in Shinar.’ Babylon, that infamous name, for there, men centralised demon worship, whose tower, Babel was being built in total rebellion, so God destroyed and dispersed humanity all over the world. From that dispersion evolved the nations as we have them today. It is written. ‘So, the Lord scattered them from there over the whole earth, and they stopped building the city. (Babylon) That is why it was called Babel-(on) because God confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the surface of the whole earth! From that land he (Nimrod) went and built Assyria where He built Nineveh, Rehoboth, Ir Calad and Resen, which is between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city. (Genesis11:8-12) Great men in the Bible were great sinner, like Nimrod they set themselves as kings, monarchs, governors, and subdued the people by force. What happened in the plains of Mesopotamia continues in our times. The history of modern days proves that that spirit is still present in the world today. By various ways, men, we call politicians, still rule the peoples of the world in the same way, not realising that the days are coming, it could be very soon, that God will break it all up, for he has appointed His Son, Jesus Christ, to come and set up His Kingdom, when He comes, He shall free the world from all the men that have forgotten that ‘He rules in the affairs of men’!

Posted in General

About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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