The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Link International (Number 38), From me to you!

Posted on 05/11/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

The apostle Paul, is known as the apostle to the Gentiles, so, to gentile churches he wrote his epistles, not forgetting that some converted Jews were among them, so he wrote to them to counteract false teachers, who were mainly Jews that remained attached to the practice of the law, the Ten Commandments, as are many Christian confessions today. These men never stopped their evil work, for they followed the apostle Paul wherever he established churches, their biggest point was that Christians had to be circumcised, the aim of such men, even today is to confuse the true Gospel by any means or ignore it, the apostle Paul called what they taught ‘another gospel’. In the light of the worldwide confusion that is apparent in the fallen church today, we must realise how urgent it is to revert to the word inspired by the Holy Spirit that impelled Paul to write to the various churches, that he knew or established, to warn them and call on them to remain faithful to the Gospel he preached to them, with the help of faithful servants that stood by him and later taught this same Gospel; men like Timothy, Titus and many others.

The Epistle He wrote to the Christians in Rome, has not aged or lost its power, for truth never changes, to this very day, the Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of those that believe it! (Romans 1: 16) It is Paul’s epistle to the Galatians that in the sixteenth century opened the eyes of Martin Luther, together with others to whom God revealed the truth concerning Jesus Christ, and ushered in the ‘Reformation’ in the sixteenth century, it created the beginning of a spiritual revolution, which still affects us to this very day. Men shall not be saved by dogmas and human institutions, based on a morality centred around few commandments of men, none ever obeyed all the ten commandments, which in the end did not save anybody for God took centuries to teach the Israelites that no man can obey them, thus salvation by faith in Christ was ushered in, as it is written: ‘WE (Christian) who are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners, know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So, we too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ, because by observing the law no-one will be justified.’ (Galatians 2: 15-16).

Many, teachers and preachers, of the last century and up to these days, still believe and preach faithfully, with great conviction, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit resting on them, the Gospel that the apostle Paul received directly from Christ and preached earnestly all his life. A great number of books have been written by faithful expositors of the Word, especially in the last two centuries, and their writings prove that there are no errors in the original translation of the Gospel and that its power is the same and works mightily even today! Men with a perfect knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, are proving, twenty centuries after the New Testament was compiled, that there remains only one way to this new life, eternal and glorious, which is Jesus Christ who reconciles a sinner with God! The Holy Spirit, inspired men, through centuries, to translate the Bible, or portions of it, into hundreds, thousands of languages, they devoted themselves to faithfully keep to the original text.

The Holy Spirit brought His approval to their devotion by leading to Jesus Christ men from all nations and converting them into new creatures, and creating them into Sons of the living God! Personally, as I have said, I thank God that he led me to learn about a great expositor of the twentieth century, Martin Lloyd Jones. It is by reading a great amount of his works that I learned the true depth of the amazing truths and promises we discover in the Gospel, and it has revolutionised my thinking, strengthened my faith and caused me to change on certain points of view concerning the true evangelical doctrine. It has strengthened my assurance of an eternal salvation, which many call it as the ‘Eternal security, ’and has given me a perfect peace of mind which I, although truly saved at the age of sixteen, never fully knew the power and reality of this uttermost salvation. After having read the Bible in English and in French and Polish, I still find that the King James version, is still the best and truest to the original text, and I still use it to verify new translations, which in some points are wanting! Even the New International Version, better known as the NIV, is wanting in certain points, statements whose nuance is not purely white!

Posted in General

About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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