The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Link International (Number 3) - From me to you!

Posted on 14/01/2021 by Edouard Jankowski

‘The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch’ (Acts 11:26)

Obviously, this verse relates to the first disciples of Jesus Christ. One of the greatest vacuums, amongst men of this generation, is the lack of knowledge as to what and who is a Christian? In general, fundamentally, there still exist great differences between the nitty gritty, call it the basic elements, of what all religions teach, and what they teach still divides humanity into different cultures that are hard, if not impossible to bridge. 

The fight of communism, to eradicate all religions in the world, the opium of the people, as it called it, is still on the agenda of most communist countries; wherever flies the red flag? Some have learned to live with it, and live peacefully as long as everyone stays quiet about what they believe. But all the efforts that have been put together, all the brutality that has spread from Russia to all the countries in the world; the massacres of thousands of people in many lands, the fear that spread with its indoctrinations, have hit the world like a destructive fire. The revolutionary forces grew and spread to implant mercilessly, by force of arms, the communistic ideology with its final objective of ruling the world! Yet, all that effort, all that blood shade, nothing, has destroyed in man the need of a god and to believe in something or someone outside himself. There comes a time when man has to cry for help from anyone bigger than him, for deep down man knows that he is not sufficient to himself, especially when life draws to its end and one has to face the unknown! Why is this so?

So, whether one likes it or not, amongst all this confusion, of which Satan is the culprit, there are those that call themselves ‘Christians’ and it is in the Bible alone that one can find the true nature of a Christian, a man who has had an encounter with the Lord. Hence, it is in it, as one reads and studies seriously the teachings of Jesus Christ, that one discovers that a true Christian is a unique creation, since each one of them has existed in the mind and heart of God before He even created the world. I would venture to say that most Christians do not really appreciate what and who they really are! 

Generally, as it is now believed, Christianity is just another religion amongst so many, by which men, approach the same God in their own particular way. But, when one analyses such statements in the light of the bloody religious conflicts, that are still tearing humanity to shreds, one discovers that no-one really believes it, but it sounds good, a bit of morality, a bit of piety ‘et voila’ that’s enough; for in the end all men go to heaven, and why? Because God loves them so much that He is incapable to be so vindictive as to send some to hell. ‘Do your best and you will be alright’ Is the general moto.’ This idea is catching fast but sadly, it is more virile among a polluted Christianity then others religions. There is, in the Bible, a very special chapter (John 17) which reveals how the Holy Trinity, before the world was even created, or recreated, made a plan, by which in God’s appointed time, Jesus would come into the world and do what was necessary to save man from sin and corruption and give him eternal life! Hence Jesus came, and towards the end of His time on earth said: “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted Him authority over all the people that He might give eternal life to all those you have given Him. (John 17:1-2) As we look into this subject, we shall have a true understanding of Christ and who is a real Christian!

Posted in General

About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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