Posted on 10/02/2021 by Edouard Jankowski
In conclusion I ask: What can we learn from various points of history about our world? We learn that chaos and all sorts of evil things that have happened to it, are due to the work of Satan, who through the power of sin has brought great misery upon humanity, which God, reluctantly, had to judge with the flood, just as He had to burn Sodom and Gomorrah, which became polluted to the core, having done what He had to, He flooded the area with water, which is called the ‘Dead Sea’. As for the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah they still ruin our generation and poison naturel relationship between men and women, called Sodomy! This sin, in the eyes of Almighty God, is an abomination! This evil spirit is present in human hearts and minds, right up to the present days. We could dwell on it but we must get on and acknowledge that the whole world is traveling fast towards judgement day.
That day or time, will be preceded by days of great trouble which shall plunge mankind into a grave retribution, prophesied in the Book of Revelation, the last one of the Bible. That period will end when Jesus comes to reign and save mankind from total annihilation. That subject of course is a separate one altogether. But we must conclude that when Jesus came, two thousand years ago, the world was not a very different world than it is today, except, that it was less populated, but Satan was as he is today, sin was as mighty as it is now, but population being a lot smaller and travel much more difficult, evil could not spread and englobe the whole world, and pollute it as rapidly as it does today, greatly aided with the latest inventions in the electronic sphere, modern science has made the world a much smaller place, and far more rebellious! It is called modern enlightenment!
Whatever happened to the earth, through Satan’s evil deeds, before time began, we may never fully know, but what we can know, without speculating is, that in Genesis 1.1 ‘In the beginning’ (whenever that beginning took place) God created the heavens and the earth.’ It is obvious that at the beginning the heavens and earth were created perfect. But in Genesis 1:2 as I have already stated, we read ‘Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.’ (Genesis 1:1) God never creates things half way to leave them in darkness, unfinished, flooded! The heavens were still as God had created them, perfect and glorious and full of light, but not the earth, because something happened to it. It must have known a mighty act of God, for only fire could have needed floods of water to put it out! Since then, the whole Galaxy is under the curse, for it happened again after the fall of Adam, it is written: ‘The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from the bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pain of childbirth right up to this present time.’ (Romans 8:19-22)
I could say more about it but it is not part of this present study. For how long the world stayed under water we do not know, we don’t need to know. On what I have just expressed, I base my theory and apply it to the state of our planet before the Holy Spirit began to hover over it, even before man was created, as stated above: and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.’ (Genesis 1:2) But something was about to be done to this empty earth and usher in the Kingdom of God, because the Holy Spirit comes and acts when God, the Father decides to create something new and it is always done according to a plan which He alone conceives. Whatever Satan tried to do on and to this globe, after His fall, was very evil, we can only gather it by the discovery of prehistoric fossils, and the general geology of the earth, for Satan is a powerful being, he can destroy but he cannot create, he tried to find a way to bring into being a creature capable to worship him! With the result of his quest, the evolutionists are now obsessed seeking the missing link, but there isn’t one, because God put an end to Satan’s work and proved that He does not require millions of years to give man a pair of eyes! For ‘He breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living soul.’
Posted in General
My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.