Posted on 28/03/2023 by Edouard Jankowski
We are still living in the days of grace! for how long I do not know, because the teaching of the Lord is that a time will come, when the door of salvation will close and it will all end. Nowadays, people are convinced, due to the modern belief of a great majority is that all that we read in the Bible is not true, that God does not exist that the world has ever been and will be forever! But millions like the apostle Paul, like me and millions of other in this so-called modern age, have been touched by the Holy Spirit, converted and are immensely grateful to God, that Jesus, who was hated without a cause, is now alive, exalted, sitting at his right hand, and is soon coming again! God breaks down people in this way, and humbles the proudest, for without this almighty and deep transforming touch, there is no hope for anyone to escape from hell. Like Paul they say: ‘I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.’
Yes, here is the whole reason that the world is what it is and as it is, ‘ignorance’; as Jesus said concerning the roman soldiers that were nailing Him to the cross:‘Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they do.’ Man may be the cleverest scientist, at the top of the social ladder, and yet spiritually, he may be completely ignorant of divine realities, blind and lost in darkness, ready for hell, done for, condemned already. The ‘fool says in his heart there is no God!’ You, who may be reading this Link! believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now, and you too will be saved! People that are at the top of the social ladder, may despise those that be at the bottom of it, but they also are lost sinners; all are: ‘Without hope and without God in the world!’ All are damned, ready for judgement day! I found Jesus, a way of escape, so can you!
To the people that Paul preached to, this amazing Gospel, and led them to the Lord, must be in thousands! He wrote many epistles, to remind them how they used to live, even Christians are prone to forget the sinful lives they lived as slaves to Satan. He writes to converted Jews: ‘As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of the world and of the rulers of the kingdom of the air, the spirit that is now at work in those that are disobedient. All of us also lived like them (the gentiles) at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest (of humanity) we were objects of wrath.’ That means, reserved for the final judgement! (Ephesians 2: 1-3) But there is a way out of it, but only one, in His love God is still reaching out to save as many as will believe that Jesus died for their sins!
Now, a reader of these links, may be a Jew? if you are not saved as yet, there is no special safety for you! Outside of Jesus Christ you are a lost sinner as any Gentile. The first preachers of the Gospel were Jews, it is with them that Jesus spent His last hours on earth, and in the upper room, on the eve of the Passover feast, He made a new pact with them, called the ‘New Covenant.’ But to their loss the greatest majority of Jews have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and had him killed on a roman Cross. To this day, the majority of Jews still do! Their leaders forced Pilate’s hands to condemn Him, the whole case against Jesus Christ was unlawful, they had no valid case against Him, even Pilate, who amazed them at the leniency he used towards Jesus, yet, finally Jesus died for confessing to them that He was who He really was, the Son of living God! Pilate found no fault in Him and did all he could to release Him, but these Jews hated Jesus so much that they employed all the satanic thrust that they were so used to use to get their way! Pilate found no fault in Jesus, nothing worthy of such a terrible and violent death! But the priests and the High Priest of these days, called Caiaphas, with the scribes and the leaders of the people hated Jesus enough and they got their way! Thus, Jews and Gentiles together had a hand in His crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. All sinners are not criminals, some are very nice people, I have met many what we term as good people, yet all have sinned, if only once, even one sin must be punished. The first of all sins, was punished with death. Death is a complete separation from God who is the giver of life! and because of that one sin That Adam committed, all men are born dead in sin! As it is written: ‘The soul that sins, it shall die! The second death, will see all men cut off from God, life and light forever, and will be cast, with Satan, in the dark abyss forever!
Posted in General
My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.