Posted on 30/11/2022 by Edouard Jankowski
Let us see what this unbelief means, it means that immorality and all kind of sins are present because God has abandoned man to his own devises, and that because He does not speak to him, man will eventually de destroyed and eventually the planet he lives on. Look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, it became so bad that there was not a scrap of decency left, immoral sexuality of every type just took over everything, they all lived in debauchery and God could only stop them by burning it all up, man and beast All that is left is the Dead sea, and remains as a testimony of God’s righteousness! Therefore, the Holy Scripture, the Bible, is alive and every word is very important even at the present time, it is ‘God breathed’ inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it calls man to stop and think and change his ways. Christians should read it and meditate, for everything we need spiritually we shall find it in it! The Holy-Scriptures reveal that because of men’s wilful decision to ignore God and do their own thing, He has left them to live according to their sinful tendencies, which are eating them up inside, and sin makes of them victims of their immoral, wilful condition! It fills the mind and body with impurities, sin, if unchecked is worse than a cancer, for it eats up and destroys the soul, and because of this condition man can never be the man that God intended him to be; if only he submitted to the call of the Gospel and believed in Jesus Christ, he would be changed into the image of Christ, this was God’s purpose when He created Adam.
When God gives up a man there is no hope for him, the devil has a free hand to do what he wants. So, what follows in this chapter, (Romans 1) shows that what appears to be normal to fallen man is, according to what is written, humanity is depraved. Men do not care, and in the root of their feelings, they do not, they cannot know what is right or wrong. The worst mistake that modern man is making is to listen to all these clever erudite people, that have convinced a great majority of humanity that there is no God! I mean the God that reveals Himself to man in the Bible, and by and through His Son Jesus Christ, the living word. These many gods that exist in the world, are but fruits of man’s imagination.
I could go on and express more amply what I feel about it, but all I will say is, that whatever men believe, or do not believe, about the God, who is called the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, is that as soon as a person dies, it knows where they belong. But sadly, it is then too late to do anything about it! There is not a second chance, no purgatory, because then, salvation would not be by faith! Nevertheless, all that some scientist may propose, the true Christian, knows that it changes nothing, God still does what He wants and He will fulfil all that has been prophesied in the Holy Bible! So, many books have been written, so much has been said publicly, and yet whatever one believes or says about God, decides his eternity. He is Lord of His creation, Sovereign in His immense domain! However clever and educated the greatest scientist can be, not one has managed to replace the truth, what they believe and teach is still but a theory, and what scientists may have said a hundred years ago, is still repeated by those of this generation, it is as King David says many centuries ago: ‘The Lord has established his throne in heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.’ (Psalm 103: 19) Therefore, the moral depravity of mankind in all its ugly manifestation; sin of all sorts leads to great sorrow and suffering! When boys and girls are not safe from predators, etcetera, all these judgements poured on humanity, come like a flood encouraged by rampant unbelief. Evil, which governments seek by every means possible to limit its awful damage, it does to innocent people and the world at large, find that all their efforts and the great amount of money spent on it, can only partially limit the damage! When Jesus Christ returns to ser up His kingdom, He will eradicate it completely, Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Thus, God has forsaken men to the fruits of their disobedience and unbelief, In the epistle of Romans chapter one eleven, which I mentioned earlier, proves to be true. As far as Israel is concerned and the gentile world, all have sinned, but it will not be forever, for God will intervene once more on a worldwide scale, and put out evil to an ultimate end! When one reads what the end will be like it makes one tremble: ‘Because of this God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations to unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion!’ (Romans 1: 26-27) he Bible ends with these words: ‘Yes, I come soon (suddenly) Amen. Come Lord Jesus’.
Posted in General
My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.