The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Link International (Number 128), From me to you!

Posted on 29/02/2024 by Edouard Jankowski

I remember leading a young man to the Lord, this happened in a home. We prayed together and I saw that he was touched. I have not seen him for quite a few months, may be even a couple of years! When I saw Him again, I shared a burger and cup of coffee with Him. During our conversation I wanted to enquire and ask about his decision. I was surprised that he well remembered it and testified to the emotional experience that it was. During the rest of the conversation, I realised that he wanted to say more, so I just let him talk, he definitely had gone through a very hard time. When He finished, I had to tell him, that listening to his story I could see that the Lord had his hand on him and brought him through to much better day. I am sure that the Lord will bring him on to a deeper experience, it is the work of the Lord, and He knows those that are His! A time is always set for his will to be done, and He will reveal Himself to his brothers in a deeper and better way in due course! God never gives up! What He decided before time begun, He will do and complete it!

So, it does not mean that when one becomes a child of God, by the miraculous new birth, that one becomes immediately perfect! For all this new life is lived in the body, in which sin is still rooted, he will be tempted and fall at times and be raised up by the Lord. Like a natural baby is birthed into a family, so a new Christian grows into a child of God. This is what often onlookers or critics of Christians do not understand, and most Christians don’t. The people of the world think that when one is found to go to ‘church’as it is said, one automatically becomes perfect. I have mentioned enough verses of the New Testament so that born again Christians may know, that when they believe in Christ they enter into a new order, old things have passed away everything becomes new! As it is written: ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. All this is from God who reconciles us to Himself through Christ.’ (2 Corinthians 5: 17-18) as quoted before! The apostles of Jesus Christ were not just preachers doing a job! They were totally immersed, involved in their new life with Christ, and deeply thankful to be partakers of the holy life of this amazing Man, Jesus, the Son of God

Christianity is not something men thought out, it is God given; if anything, false prophets, in their religious habits have destroyed it, and replaced true faith with humanism and all sorts of philosophies! Christian doctrine is from God, preached by the Lord Jesus Christ, recorded in the New Testament by men of God, disciples of the Lord, it remains divine, immutable. His disciples saw Jesus, lived with Him for over three years, witnessed many great miracles! They saw Him risen from the dead, heard Him, handled Him, they saw Him ascend to heaven, what could be better, and this real living truth, they wrote it with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Thus, Jesus’ teaching is still alive as in the days when He first preached it, up and down His country. Few years after His ascension, Jesus appeared to the apostle Paul, he too saw Him face to face, and received from His very lips the gospel that He preached and wrote! It was not a different gospel, adapted to the Gentiles, the sinful nature of a Israelite is the same as that of a Gentile! For, it is thought by some critics that this is what happened, but the apostles in Jerusalem, men like Peter and James and all the others!

To the apostle Paul, Jesus revealed important things about divine truths that are alive to this very day! All this grace showed to Paul, followed his mighty conversion. The quotation from Peter, that I quoted before, speaks of things that he saw, experienced, he also, with many others, saw Jesus alive being taken to heaven in a cloud. The apostle Paul, before his conversion, was, this murderous ‘Saul of Tarsus’ who approved the stoning of Stephen, one of the seven chosen deacons of the church in Jerusalem! Hating Christ and His disciples, he created panic in their midst. Apprehending Christians and throwing them in jail! Who would have thought that on his way to Damascus, from where he planned to bring as many Christians as possible back to Jerusalem and make an open shaw of them! That Jesus planned to meet him, and appeared in a great light that blinded Saul, and by the grace of God, he became Paul,His special apostles to the Gentiles! I will not go into details for I have said before how he was converted! But Paul also wrote of things He saw and heard! Because later, as he says, Jesus appeared unto Him three times and revealed to him His gospel, not different from that that He preached and His apostles, the same, unchanging gospel is preached until now by faithful men filled with the Holy Spirit.

Posted in General

About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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