Posted on 20/06/2023 by Edouard Jankowski
Because God cannot be seen, because He speaks in His own way and we cannot hear Him, faith can only come by a revelation given by the Holy Spirit, one cannot do it by working things out, by human wisdom followed by an act of what is called ‘free-will.’ Sinners have not got a free will, sin has mastered them, they need the Holy Spirit to wake them up to the truth of God, so that they can see the light of a new day! Faith demands yielding one’s life, to trust oneself completely to someone, GOD, who through the Holy Spirit, acting in Christ’s name lights up the darkness of man’s heart, things happen that one does not see, hear, or touch, yet the by the miracle of true faith renders them very real to the mind and the heart which is the source of all human feelings and sense! The tragedy of these, so-called, ‘clever people’, is that they have not got any proof of what they are saying, they are jargons, arguments that have been repeated from mouth to mouth for generations; hence, the majority are fooled by the devil to believe his lies! The few that have still a conscience, reject it through fear, fear of death, fear of being found out for the wrong they may have done. But we all must die and face eternity and the judgement seat of God! On that day all the clever sinners, who have become so knowledgeable, blind fools, dead in their trespasses and sins, will have to give an account for all they have done while in the body, and give the reason to God as to why they did not believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and fooled millions to believe their nonsense!
This is why, those people when they hear the Gospel do not like it, for it predicts an awful end to men and the earth; they do not like to hear that, but at the end of the way, there is a day of judgement and none can do a thing to avoid it! So, take seriously, the message of Jesus Christ, the Gospel, which He preached in His land, and is still preached by men sent by Jesus Christ, to this very day in the whole world; it alone offers a way out of this dreadful cataclysm, because all sins can be forgiven, and every trace of it blotted out! For ‘The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, purifies us from all sin.’ (1 John 1:7) The moment you believe from the heart that Christ died for your sins, you will be reconciled with God, you will be born again by the power of the Holy spirit, you will have a new life, pure, eternal, right now! You do not have to wait till the end and hope that you will make it through the pearly gates, as many call it! People, through fear, confess their sins and expose their secrets to a priest who misleads them! Why? because no-man has the power or authority to forgive his owns sins, let alone the sins of others! This is why they never cease to confess sins, that can never be forgiven!
If you have wronged somebody put it right with him or her, it is the decent thing to do! but once you have done it, however serious is the offence, and have put it right with the person you have offended, you still need to confess it to God for it to be forgiven, no sin can be forgiven without true faith and surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, for His blood alone purifies sinners from their sins, if you think that you can bypass Jesus, you cannot, for it is written: ‘In Him (Christ) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. (Ephesians 1: 7) At the end of every argument God is sovereign Lord, God is real, but even He cannot save you if you refuse to believe that He sent His Only Son to die in your place, and thus atoned for your sins past present and future! Sin is committed by disobedience to God, they are acts of rebellion. It is from them that one must repent, and to Him sins must be confessed before one can be forgiven. All sins are forgivable as say a hymn: ‘Oh wonders of all wonders, that through thy death for me; My open sins, my secret sins, can all forgiven be!’ You must believe that Jesus suffices, He is able, He does not need any helpers or stands in lieu. He does not need any saints, as they are called. Whether it be Peter, Christopher, or any other man, Jesus does not need Mary, His mother! I have heard of women, who after being saved, still remained so attached to her, so revered her, that they dare not detach themselves from this satanic power that refuses people to enter into the true liberty of the children of God.
Posted in General
My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.