The Ultimate Voyage

...No Return

Link International (Number 100), From me to you!

Posted on 05/06/2023 by Edouard Jankowski

This baptism is therefore a great blessing that God only gives to His sons, you cannot be a son of God of your own choosing, I have explained it fully in previous ‘Links.’ The apostle John states clearly that a true Christian is born again of the Holy-Spirit, by the will of God, and it goes deeper than that, for the apostle John says that every son of His, is ‘born of God.’ Humanly speaking we can say that only a child has his father’s genes, therefore, a son of God has God’s nature, pure sinless and eternal! This is tremendous, it deals with the new man that lives in every true Christian, this new creation is a newly created spirit! The disciples were all sons of God before they were baptised with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Jesus was the eternal Son of God, but as a man, he humbled Himself and to start His ministry, He had to be anointed and God baptized Him with the Holy Spirit. Thus said to His disciples: ‘You will receive power after the Holy Spirit is come upon you?’ as quoted before!

Every man, born again, has the right to a son’s heritage, which is promised to every Christian just as Jesus said. Yet, according the apostolic teaching, God has already given them a guarantee of it while they are still in this life, what is it? Now we cannot just depend on a say-so, that is why I have expressed what is taught in the Holy Scriptures concerning it! I am Pentecostal- Evangelical preacher, and I not only believe it, but I have actually been baptised with the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in unknown tongues. I still do so, more than ever, so I speak out of experience. I am now much older, I was baptised with the Holy Spirit when I was seventeen, therefore I know the difference. This is not the time for me to say anymore except that I believe firmly what I have taught and what I have experienced is real, that means, that this receiving of the Holy Spirit, is not an it, or just a power, it is actually being filled with the Holy Spirit, HIM, the third person of the Holy Trinity, as Jesus was and as were His disciples.

Some disciples left Jesus, walked with Him for a while, but they only believed what they could handle. The difference is shown and it comes with Peter’s answer to the Lord’s question, who asked them, will you also going to leave me? but it is written: ‘Simon Peter answered Him: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.’ The disciples believed in Jesus even though they did not always understand what he meant, that is made plain as you follow their reactions, especially at the death of Christ! Peter especially could not believe that Jesus meant what He said concerning His death! Jesus knows in depth, those that are really His, and it comes by their ability to discern the truth of God’s word, and believe, love it, they are convinced, they are persuaded, as to who Jesus Christ really is and that His words are the truth! We find that the disciples understood and accepted all that Jesus said when they were filled with the Holy Spirit!

Those that remained true to the Lord, were not perfect in daily living, they had a lot to learn and they did, the spiritual man has to grow, but at this stage Peter said what they all believed! The apostle Paul writes to Timothy and states: ‘I know whom I have believed and am convinced (persuaded) that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day!’ (2 Timothy 1:12) On that day all Christians, will have to appear at the ‘Bema’ throne of Christ, not for judgement but rewards! Jesus said clearly to Nicodemus that: ‘God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.’ (John 3: 17-18) Whatever may be the state of our mind facing this truth, doubts of fears we must learn to live by what is written, and the position of every child of God is secured by the word which is Jesus Christ! He said it again: ‘I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him that sent me has eternal life, and will not be condemned he has crossed over from death to life.’ (John 5: 24) It is a done thing to be celebrated down here and enjoyed forever in eternity.

Posted in General

About The Author

My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.

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