Posted on 02/04/2024 by Edouard Jankowski
These forty days have been necessary for the restoration of the disciples who went through some awfully stressful times. One can understand how they felt for they saw, the Lord Jesus die, a thing they did not expect at all, and if not all of them, most were very disappointed and distressed and concluded that the death of Christ was the end, the final chapter to their dream of seeing Jesus taking His throne to reign over Israel, and from there over the rest of the world! They did not understand that two comings of Christ were prophesied by the prophets of the Old Testament nor did their teachers in the synagogues and the civil and religious authorities! Their disappointment was clearly stated by the two disciples that left Jerusalem to go to Emmaus for they said to Jesus who joined them incognito and walked with them: ‘We (meaning all the disciples) had hoped that He was the one who was going to redeem Isarel! (Luke 24: 23) So It took a lot of tact from Jesus to rebuild them, and heal their broken hearts, and fit them for their unique work and life ahead of them, and this restoration He did very well, with all the love that He alone knew how to pour out into them. Not once did He mention anything about their failure, nor to Peter for denying Him! These many acts which Jesus lovingly performed, at times personally, but mainly collectively, proved to them that it was just the same Lord Jesus.
Through all these experiences, the disciples really came into their own, and were what they became, because they saw Jesus raised from the dead! A line of a hymn we used to sing a lot says: ‘I serve a Risen-Saviour, He’s in the world today.’ He is in the world, in His saints, men, women born again, did Jesus not say: ‘Lo, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ (Matthew 28: 20), He was with them, He was in them, He was so with His disciples through all generations, and now, He is with those that in this generation, are faithful to Him and committed to spread the Gospel! until the last day!
Since the Holy Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost, He is the One that makes Christ so real, but only to those that believe in Him. For Jesus did not visit the temple after His resurrection. He chose not to appear alive to those that had Him killed, nor did He preach a sermon in public, as He did so much before, the time for the break had come, things were different for Jesus was glorified! These devil worshippers had Him killed, He died so did they, the whole nation of Israel was and is cut off from God. But only onewas alive, the firstfruits among many brothers, Jesus rose from the tomb and is alive for ever! The Holy Spirit, as mighty as He is, the third person of the Holy Trinity, does not meddle with the politics of a lost world, and He will not try to infiltrate them by any means! For he was sent to inspire, prepare, and use the Lord’s disciples to spread the Good news till He comes, and prepare His Church for the rapture.
The world is overruled by the will and power of our Father in heaven! Jesus, by the Holy Spirit reigns in His Church! As expressed in the Holy Scriptures, the Kingdom of God was, is, and is to come! God (the Father) is King over the whole Univer, the Most-High God, and outside of Him there is no other power, for it is written: ‘The Lord has established His throne in the heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.’ (Psalm 103: 19) Nothing is governed or ruled by anyone else but God, and if there are few ways of governing or ruling this world, whether it be by governors, autocrats or democrats, kings, or despots, servants of evil, they only rule where and how the ‘Most-High’ allows them to and for however long He wants to! God is supreme and sovereign Lors over the whole universe! On earth He alone rules or overrules the affairs of men, this is made very plain in the Book of Daniel. You should read it! I won’t dwell on this now, we might have to mention more about this subject later?
Posted in General
My name is Edouard Jankowski and In September 1953 I landed on British soil. I was then nineteen years of age, and my destination was the I.B.T.I. (International Bible Training Institute) situated in Burgess-Hill, West Sussex. I did not realise when I arrived at the College, how my life was about to change for the better.